Trump Rushed To Delete A Tweet After He Made Huge Idiotic Mistake

Screenshots last forever!

558 points

Donald Trump just can’t resist all the wonder and splendor that is his Twitter account. He pours his heart and soul, every waking moment of every day, into those 280 characters. They are his diary, one could say. But sometimes, more often than not truthfully, Donald has a tendency to take to his beloved Twitter feed a bit sooner than he should. His brain needs time to really process all the clusterfuckery that is his thoughts, yet those chubby little fingers of his just move with the wind, common sense be damned. Which often leaves him posting a bunch of utter bullshit full of mistakes that make him look even more idiotic than before.

And lo and behold, that is exactly what he did when he sent out a tweet, without taking the time to think it through, stating that a bill that’s headed to his desk for signing was scheduled for a Senate vote — forcing him to delete it like a big fat idiot.

“House just passed the 19.1 Billion Dollar Disaster Aid Bill,” Trump stated in the tweet. “Great, now we will get it done in the Senate! Farmers, Puerto Rico and all will be very happy.”

Of course, this puts Donald’s stupidity on display, considering the $19.1 billion disaster aid package passed the Senate on May 23rd in an 85-8 vote and was approved in the House on Monday in a 354-58 vote. The Senate has been long finished with the bill and the only thing it needs now is Trump’s signature.

The social media mishap has since been deleted and hasn’t been replaced as of yet, but will forever be memorialized in screenshots, as to ensure we never forget how stupid our president truly is.

Featured image via Political Tribune Gallery 

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