Trump Turns Photo-Op With Kid Into An Awkward Disaster By Whining He Should Be On Stage At Rally Instead

Another day, another cringeworthy Trump moment.

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Former President Donald Trump has once again shown that no event is too small for him to make it all about himself. During what was supposed to be a sweet birthday moment for a child, Trump managed to turn the occasion into an awkward, uncomfortable disaster. Instead of focusing on the kid, Trump whined about not being on stage at his rally, making sure to slip in a few self-praises along the way. If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s Trump finding a way to bring the spotlight back to him—no matter the situation.

A video of this strange birthday scene has gone viral, showing Trump’s true colors. As Twitter user @CattardSlim put it, “Trump does a photo-op for a kids birthday & whines the entire time about how he’s supposed to be on stage for his #TrumpRally.”

One of the many responses to the tweet was from @tor_angus, who said, “He cant even fake being genuine with a kid for 2 seconds. Look at how he immediately whips the box around to make sure the cameras see the Trump branding on it.”

It’s as if Trump is more concerned with making sure his name gets plastered all over everything than actually connecting with anyone—even a child. This isn’t the first time Trump has managed to make a situation that should be about someone else completely self-serving. Let’s not forget the time during Hurricane Harvey in 2017, when Trump visited Texas but seemed more interested in how big the crowd was than in the victims of the disaster. While standing in front of the crowd, instead of offering comfort, he excitedly pointed out, “What a crowd, what a turnout,” showing more enthusiasm for the number of people present than for the devastation around him.

In 2019, when visiting the survivors of the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, Trump posed for photos, all smiles with a thumbs-up, alongside a baby whose parents had been killed in the attack. It was a moment that called for solemnity and compassion, but Trump couldn’t help but turn it into a campaign photo op.

As Twitter user @Maltaplication pointed out in response to this latest birthday incident, “So cringe. The entire time Trump talks about himself.”

Of course, Trump didn’t just show up for the kid’s birthday empty-handed. But, as expected, the gift came with strings attached—or in this case, a Trump campaign sticker. Twitter user @christmasali noted, “And of COURSE the ‘present’ has to have a Trump campaign sticker on it, and of COURSE Trump has to turn the gift around to ensure the sticker is seen properly.”

Even the child’s birthday had to be a campaign moment for Trump. It’s hard to tell if the present was for the kid or just another opportunity for Trump to promote himself. Perhaps the most telling moment of the whole birthday fiasco came when Trump reportedly told the child, “the best President you’ll ever have.” Twitter user @karen_dippity summed it up best with, “Oh FFS. He says ‘the best President you’ll ever have’ to someone who just wants McDonalds and crayons.”

It’s moments like these that reveal the core of Trump’s personality. No matter the event or the people involved, Trump always seems to find a way to make it about himself. And in this case, a child’s birthday turned into yet another bizarre moment of self-promotion. While it’s sad that a kid had to endure this awkward encounter, it’s hardly surprising. Trump has a long history of putting his own image before everything else—even when the cameras are off.

Featured image via Screengrab

Terry Lawson

I'm Terry Lawson, a writer and editor from Alabama. For the past five years, I've worked as a ghostwriter for different companies, creating content that fits their needs. Right now, I work as an editor and political writer for Political Tribune, writing engaging articles. I enjoy writing and have strong skills in writing, editing, critical thinking, and project management. My work is driven by a love for storytelling and a focus on quality. You can find me on Twitter (X) at
