Tucker Carlson Just Called Rep. Eric Swalwell “Physically Unclean,” Bizarrely Claims Swalwell Has Had “Multiple Chlamydia Infections,” And We Couldn’t Make This Up If We Tried

You have GOT to be kidding me.

669 points

In his effort to condemn the mere idea of a vaccine mandate amid an ongoing, seemingly endless pandemic in this country, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson just hit a brand new low, and it’s downright disgusting, in more ways than one.

During his recent segment, the Conservative talking head took aim at one of his favorite people to bully, Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, bizarrely accusing the California Democrat of being physically unclean” and having had “multiple chlamydia infections” — all in a plight against Swalwell’s recent suggestion that all air travelers should be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Tucker made the egregious claim during his Monday night segment, complete with a weird graphic that portrayed Eric “in bed with Fang Fang.”

“Fang Fang” is a reference to the suspected Chinese spy, Christine Fang, who assisted with fundraising for several notable Democrats, including Swalwell.

Carlson’s outrage was born of a tweet sent out by Swalwell, in which he complained that several passengers on a flight with him were likely unvaccinated. The Democratic Rep. pointed out how dangerous that was, and noted that requiring airline passengers to be vaccinated was the “LEAST” this country could do to help stop the spread of this deadly virus.

Apparently, this single tweet sent Tucker Carlson into a tailspin.

“Well, the lesson that Eric Swalwell is drawing from all of this is that unvaccinated Americans should be banned by law from flying on airplanes in their own country,” Carlson raged in response to Swalwell’s tweet. “Now, the airlines disagree with this. They thought a lot about it. So does any sane physician. They have too.”

“But Eric Swalwell, who’s probably the most physically unclean member of Congress, now imagines himself a public health official with the power to make these decisions. So before we go any further and grant Eric Swalwell that power, we probably oughta see his medical records.”

And then came the worst part.

“It’d be kind of ironic if a guy with multiple chlamydia infections was lecturing the rest of us about how to keep safe from a virus,” Tucker stated. “We await that data.”

Swalwell married his second wife Brittany in 2016 and has never confirmed nor denied any form of an affair with or sexual involvement with Christine Fang.

There is no legitimate suggestion that the California House Rep. has ever suffered from or been diagnosed with any form of a sexually transmitted infection, nor did Tucker back up his outlandish claim with any evidence to support it.

Tucker just seems to have a very unhealthy obsession with genitals that happen to be attached to Democrats.

You should really see a therapist about that, my dude.

See Tucker’s unhinged rant here:

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