Twitter Users Put Sean Hannity On Blast After He Called On President Biden To Call Trump “And Bring Unity To The Country”

Yea... No.

613 points

Fox News’s Sean Hannity just keeps digging his own hole deeper and deeper, folks.

The man’s cable network segment is nothing but a hot pot of ridiculous conspiracy theories and endless lies. But the cable news host did what he does best and made his own reputation even worse still when he actually had the nerve to call on President Joe Biden to call former President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort in an effort to restore “unity.”

“He needs to pick up the phone, I suggest, just call Mar-a-Lago and bring unity to the country as he says he so desperately wants,” Hannity declared on his Fox News segment on Thursday night, responding to President Biden’s prime time address on the coronavirus pandemic.

The self-proclaimed BFF to Donald Trump went on to say that Biden should thank his predecessor “because a few moments ago he tried to take credit for everything that Donald Trump did on COVID-19,” adding, “Three vaccines: thanks to Donald trump’s Operation Warp Speed.”

Hannity claimed on his show that the Trump administration fast-tracked the development of the crucial vaccine and that the program was already well underway when Donald’s successor took over.

“Why don’t you just thank Donald Trump?” Hannity questioned. “No Trump, no vaccine Joe. Stop taking credit for something you had nothing to do with.”

Hannity was, of course, as serious as a heart attack with this call to action to the President. However, Twitter wasn’t here for it. At all:

It seems Sean has already forgotten why this country so desperately needs this vaccine in the first place. Spoiler alert: It’s all because of Donald Trump.

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