Video That Circulated On Social Media Shows Someone Confronting Ted Cruz Face To Face Over Senator’s Controversial Cancun Trip

I want to buy this guy a drink.

618 points

Twitter user @noahmitchell0 appears to spend some of his time at the U.S. Capitol, and his trolling skills are admirable, to say the least. Noah Mitchell was there as the House of Representatives voted to pass a bill that would grant statehood to Washington, DC. That bill will, of course, face obstacles to pass in the Senate.  The party-line Congressional vote was 216-208. Noah ran into Sen. Ted Cruz and captured a video, asking the Texas Republican about his infamous trip to sunny Cancun, Mexico, that he took while his constituents were suffering from a weather crisis.

“How was your trip to Cancun, Senator? Good, was it good?” Mitchell asked.

Cruz looked very uncomfortable, and finally just said, “Take care!” and quickly left the area.


In the following tweet, Noah said, “I’m actually curious about whether he enjoyed it. Like was it fun for the first half? Or was it stressful cuz he knew someone would recognize him?”

Noah trolled Rep. Madison Cawthorne earlier in the day, asking him about that time he took a trip and visited Hitler’s vacation house.


Twitter users piled in:

I’m not sure who Noah is, but I’d love to buy him a drink. Anyone who dunks on Ted Cruz is OK in my book.

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