WaPo Reporter Burned Sen. Josh Hawley After He Accused Her Of Trying To “Cancel” Him During Interview: “Senator, We’re Hosting You Here”

What a big baby.

629 points

Conservatives feign to be opposed to the so-called cancel culture while they participate in cancel culture. Republicans have become the party of victimization now. Former President Donald Trump was the worst in trying to cancel companies or people. In 2018, Trump lashed out at Nike Inc over its advertising campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick, the NFL quarterback who silently kneeled in protest for racial equality during the national anthem. And more recently, Republicans are reeling against corporations that have chosen to no longer do business in Georgia over the newest GOP Jim Crow law.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) accused Washington Post reporter Cat Zakrzewski of trying to “cancel” him, but that didn’t go down very well since he was literally in the middle of a live interview.

Hawley made his ridiculous accusation after Zakrzewski asked about his official objection to President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020.

“Don’t try to censor, cancel, and silence me here,” Hawley whined.

“Senator, we’re hosting you here,” Zakrzewski shot back.

“You raised the issue; you’ve got to listen to the truth,” Hawley insisted.

Twitter users piled in:

Hawley recently took to Twitter to promote his new anti-tech book on the social behemoth social site. Hawley is selling his book, ‘The Tyranny Of Big Tech,’ on Amazon. The Missouri Republican used his iPhone to tweet out on big tech while selling it on Amazon.

Along with Sen. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley helped lead Donald Trump’s effort to overturn his election loss in the Senate, so he shouldn’t even have a seat at the table. And ironically, Republicans are trying to cancel Senators Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney for not bowing down to Donald Trump after he was defeated by Joe Biden in both the electoral and popular vote.

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