Watch As Trump Gets Corrected By One Of His Supporters At Rally, Doesn’t Know Louisiana Had Voter ID Laws

Something tells me he's never bought groceries or voted in his privileged life.

598 points

Trump’s MAGA rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana last night went about the same as the one he held in Minneapolis, Minnesota the night before.

There were protesters escorted from the building rather early on in the evening (though the one at the Lake Charles rally was wearing a Kaepernick jersey and honestly, I’m here for that) and Trump took off on his typical rally rants. He launched an attack against the “fake news” media, saying some weird nonsense about their “red lights,” presumably talking about their cameras.

And, of course, he wasted no time in going on a tangent over his Democratic political opponent, Joe Biden, as well as Biden’s son Hunter — going so far as to attack Biden by saying he was only a good Vice President because he “understood how to kiss Barack Obama’s ass” during his Minneapolis rally and then leading the crowd in a chant of “WHERE’S HUNTER?!” during his visit in Louisiana last night.

And he couldn’t possibly forget to perhaps the most uncomfortable, awkward, and rather gross portion of the evening — a dramatic reading, in which I’m quite certain he mimicked an orgasm, of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page‘s text messages.

All in all, though it was just your pretty typical bullshit that we’ve all come to expect from the dude that’s supposed to lead our country.

However, Donald did make an extra little oopsie during his assembly last night that effectively made him look like an even bigger idiot than before — this time to his own supporters.

While campaigning for himself in Lake Charles last night, Donald also encouraged his Louisiana base to get out and vote for a Republican governor today because Trump knows he’s no good if he doesn’t have little red minions all across the nation to do his bidding.

In the process of campaigning for the two Republican candidates and complaining about the Democratic party, Trump touched on the subject of Voter ID — something he evidently still believes doesn’t exist in the state of Louisiana, yet he still seems to think it is a thing when you go to buy groceries.

“If you want to go out and buy groceries you need identification… The only thing you don’t need identification for is to vote,” Trump claimed.

And it was then that something hilariously delicious happened — one of Donald’s supporters corrected him, yelling out “We have it!”

In fact, Louisiana was actually one of the first states back in 1997 to require their voters to flash that ID when they showed up at the polling station, allowing for those that didn’t have one to sign an affidavit to attest to their identity.

So once again, Trump has no clue what he’s talking about. All in all, not that surprising. But it’s never not funny for one of his own fuckwits to correct the fuckwit-in-chief.

Featured image via screen capture 

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