WH Self Destructing As Kellyanne Conway Is Accused Of Trashing Trump Family To Reporters

Will she be the next to go?

571 points

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway may just be the latest member of the Trump administration to betray her boss. Thanks to a new tell-all book by Cliff Sims, a former White House aide, Conway has been outed for anonymously trashing Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner in private conversations with reporters. Things are about to get VERY interesting in the White House.

Sims wrote about Conway’s lack of loyalty in his memoir, “Team of Vipers,” which is a perfectly suitable name for the Trump administration considering how many leaks and backstabbing instances have threatened to destroy the already dysfunctional administration. But Kushner wasn’t the only one who Conway attacked — she also bitched about ex-White House officials Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon, and Sean Spicer to the media. Sims wrote:

Kellyanne stood in a class of own in terms of her machinations – I had to admire her sheer gall.”

This isn’t the only part of the book that will rattle things in the Trump administration. Sims also discussed how Bannon tried to use the Charlottesville white supremacist rally as leverage for the Trump administration’s racist agenda. Sims said Bannon “maniacally insist[ed] that” the rally “was a ‘moment’ that had to be seized upon.” Sims recalled Bannon saying this after the rally:

They have no idea what they’ve just done. This is a winning issue for us.”

Sims also went after Trump’s current press secretary, Sarah Sanders. He said she “didn’t press as hard as she could have for the rock-bottom truth.” He said that her “gymnastics with the truth would tax even the nimblest of prevaricators, and Sanders was not that.”

Sims’ book joins one of many tell-all books that have come from previous Trump administration members, and it seems to be just as damaging as the ones that came before it. We can expect to see Conway in interviews soon, lying her ass off to defend herself and keep her job.

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