Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Gets Downright Slammed After Posting About Madison School Tragedy

When you lie down with dogs you get fleas.

586 points

Another school shooting, another batch of “thoughts and prayers,” especially from one prominent Republican who doesn’t really care that this sentiment never, EVER prevents such tragedies. As at least one person on X (formerly Twitter) noted, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson (R) has at least $1.2 million worth of reasons to offer “thoughts and prayers.”

Johnson has long been a stooge for the NRA, so why should he be different regarding his own state, where three people were killed (including the shooter) at Abundant Life Christian School earlier Monday?

Johnson is every inch a groveling gun-supporting scumbag and here’s his scumbaggy comment below.

“My sincere condolences and prayers for all the victims of the tragedy at Abundant Life Christian School. I will continue to closely monitor the situation.”

Social media users weren’t going to let Johnson get away with this hypocrisy.

@DisavowTrump20 pointed out why Johnson really is an NRA stooge.

“Senator Ron Johnson has received more than $1.2 million from the NRA and opposed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to help curb gun violence.

Your thoughts and prayers mean nothing – your actions say everything.”

“It’s time to start naming these senseless school shootings after Republicans who offer thoughts and prayers. #SenRonJohnsonSupportsSchoolShootings,” @NZPapinInz wrote.

My dear old Daddy had a saying that fits perfectly here–“When you lie down with dogs, you get fleas.” Well, Johnson’s also a dog (sorry dogs) and the NRA are all fleas. Really virulent fleas. The Rockefeller Institute of Government reports that the NRA leads much of the world in mass shootings. It’s good to know we’re number one in something (please note this is sarcasm).

I’m just dropping this cheerful note from the institute here:

“The extensive research and public concern focused on American public mass shootings is unsurprising given that the United States has experienced more of these attacks in number than any other country in the world.”

The institute notes that mass shootings have increased in several other countries although the U.S. is still well in the league.

You can also check out the Gun Violence Archive, which tracks mass shootings, right here.

The fact that we still have school shootings after the Sandy Hook mass shooting is exactly why we need to find ways to implement more effective gun control laws and more effective ways to protect our children. But Senators like Johnson who keep worshipping the NRA and the gun manufacturers are the exact reason why this will never happen.

A few more folks on social media roasted Johnson.

And lastly, this post, which is bang on.

Featured image via Political Tribune Gallery

Megan Hamilton
Megan Colleen Hamilton was born and raised on progressive politics and she has long fought for liberal causes. She has lived in the Pacific Northwest, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, parts of Mexico, and now Central America. Her travels have further informed her progressive beliefs in these troubled times. She is currently owned by 10 cats, two dogs, and one naughty rabbit. She actually is one of those “childless cat ladies.”
