Women Just Won Major Case Against Trump In Court After Judge Makes Huge Monday Afternoon Ruling

Trump's going to have a fit!

579 points

Donald Trump is going to be devastated to find out that once again, women have ruined his plans to do the Republican Party’s bidding to oppress people who aren’t white men.

While Trump is currently stressed out to the max because Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi isn’t giving him funding for his racist border wall, Trump got another hard blow from women after it was announced that a federal judge has smacked down his attempt to prevent women from getting contraception.

The Trump administration had been trying to pass a policy that would expand the number of employers who could nix contraceptive coverage due to moral or religious beliefs. Thanks to the federal judge who blocked that motion, this policy will be put on hold in 13 states — California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington — and the District of Columbia. Judge Haywood Gilliam Jr. stated that challengers “have raised serious questions going to the merits, on their claim that the Religious Exemption and the Moral Exemption are inconsistent with the Women’s Health Amendment.”

Under the Women’s Health Amendment, employers giving health insurance to their employees are required to include coverage for low-cost or free contraception. Gilliam stated that if Trump’s policy wasn’t stopped, tens of thousands of women would have lost access to this coverage.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra praised Gilliam’s ruling and said:

The law couldn’t be clearer — employers have no business interfering in women’s healthcare decisions. Today’s court ruling stops another attempt by the Trump Administration to trample on women’s access to basic reproductive care.”

While America struggles to withstand one of the most bigoted, oppressive administrations we’ve had in a long time, at least there is some good news sprinkled in here and there.

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