30 Evangelical Christian Leaders Published Essays Begging American Evangelicals Not To Vote For Donald Trump

Trump is going to LOSE IT!

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A new book that hit the shelves recently is serving as further proof that Donald Trump’s days of torture from the comfort of the People’s House are numbered — as one of his largest, and what he undoubtedly thought most loyal, support bases just published a scathing collection of essays speaking out against him.

Since way back in his 2016 campaign days, Trump has relied heavily on the evangelical crowd to pull through with blind, unanimous support, pretty much no matter what he said or did.

However, it seems now that even the staunchest of conservative groups is rapidly beginning to see the light in the midst of the turmoil, havoc, and destruction that their former presidential pick is causing.

According to a report from The Christian Post, the new book titled The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump: 30 Evangelical Christians on Justice, Truth, and Moral Integrity features 30 essays from various evangelical leaders across the nation, begging their fellow white evangelicals to rethink their support for Donald Trump as well as warns of the damage that’s already been done to the evangelical reputation in America as a result of their blind allegiance to Donald Trump.

Ron Sider, founder of Evangelicals for Social Action and editor of the new bombshell book told The Christian Post, “Our plea is to white evangelicals to please take another look and ask, ‘Does this person measure up to biblical norms?’ We are not telling you what to include. But please prayerfully think about that. Even if you think the book will make you mad, given the title, I challenge you to read it and decide for yourself if there are any valid points that we are making there.”

Sider continued, “The book is not a book to tell people how to vote. It is a book to call people to think biblically about this election and about the character of candidates.”

“We’re not just left-wing Democrats,” he stated. “We are a whole range of views begging American white evangelicals to ask this simple question: ‘Does Donald Trump’s behavior and policies fit with or contradict biblical norms?'”

Over the past few months, it’s become more and more clear that Donald Trump is losing his support in droves. However, now that he’s seemingly lost the base that he’s spent so long relying on so heavily, there’s no denying that it’s only a matter of time before the country is finally free from this nightmare.

You can read the full report here.

Featured image via DoD photo by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Marianique Santos

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