A Mountain Of Don Jr.’s Heinously Offensive Emails Went Public In His Friend’s Lawsuit Against An Ex-Employer And They’re Even Worse Than We Were Prepared For

It's even worse than you think.

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It seems Donald Trump Jr.’s truly disgusting racism, bigotry, and unadulterated hatred has been put on full display for the world to see, thanks to a lawsuit and subsequent court battle being fought by one of the former First Son’s close friends.

Gentry Beach, who attended the University of Pennsylvania with Junior in the 1990s and even served as the eldest Trump son’s groomsman at his wedding, has been embroiled in a lawsuit against his former employer, Touradji Capital Management, that’s been ongoing for nearly 15 years now. As part of that lawsuit, Beach is currently tangled up in a court battle to keep the former First Son out of the case documents. According to bombshell new reporting from the Wall Street Journal — this includes emails sent and received by Donald Trump Jr. that are, frankly, more disgusting, heinous, and offensive than we were even prepared for.

In one email that was reportedly sent to Trump Jr. by Beach’s account between the years 2005 and 2008, Beach writes, “Tomorrow night we’re having jews for dinner. That’s kosher, right?”

The Journal reports on a separate correspondence between the two men that allegedly took place after Beach had moved to upper Manhattan, which sees Don Jr. referring to the area as Harlem.

“I hear the theme song of the Jeffersons playing in the background,” the scandal-ridden former president’s son wrote to Beach.

That damning and disgusting email exchange was read in court, in connection to Beach’s lawsuit against his ex-employer, which ultimately identified the former US president’s eldest son as the sender of the highly offensive message.

In yet another disturbing exchange between the two men, Junior is seen vehemently complaining about Mexicans entering the United States.

“Encourage the Mexicans to come to the US and give them another excuse to not learn English,” Junior wrote in an exchange with Beach. “When I have to speak to my grandchildren in Spanish, at least I know I will have you to thank.”

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Junior’s former groomsman responds by claiming that he is going to send his son to the US/Mexico southern border with deadly weapons before writing, “We’re going to stop this wetback issue dead in its tracks.”

Lawyers for the Touradji Capital Management hedge fund asserted that Don Jr. and Beach were members of Penn alumni who were included in the group emails. This group reportedly included the likes of former Republican National Committee co-chair Tom Hicks Jr. who, according to court records, made a grossly antisemitic comment about a Jewish real-estate broker who allegedly sent pornographic images to a subset group of the email recipients.

Beach’s attorneys have been fiercely fighting to have the former president’s son’s name redacted from any court records in the case that include or involve the disturbing emails in question. In a court filing from Beach’s legal team last month, the lawyers write: “The only legitimate purpose for peppering the record with references to the public figure’s name is to prejudice the jury pool for the retrial and to increase risk of reputational harm to Plaintiffs, perhaps to generate settlement leverage.”

Meanwhile, the hedge fund that once employed Beach has harnessed these offensive email chains as a new legal defense in the long-running case against them, arguing that the email exchanges prove that Beach was disloyal to his employer and put the company at grave risk of irrefutable reputational damage, as the heinous emails could have been seen by financial regulators and potential clients.

In a court filing from January, the Touradji legal team asserted, “Many of these investors, such as pension funds and publicly traded corporations, are rigorously focused on the integrity of the investment professionals that manage their assets.”

Read the full report from the Wall Street Journal here.

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
