Beauty Queen Who Confessed Married Trump Kissed Her Now Comes Forward With Sickening Allegation: He Tried To Go A Lot Further

Sickening is a massive understatement.

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Yet another round of damning and truly sickening allegations are out against scandal-plagued and newly-convicted former President Donald Trump, with regard to the way that he treats women.

The bombshell new book, Apprentice in Wonderland, by Variety Editor-in-Chief Ramin Setoodeh is set to hit shelves later this month, but explosive excerpts of the upcoming tell-all are already rocking headlines across the nation, as one beauty queen speaks up about just how far Donald J. Trump tried to go with her.

Setoodeh spoke with former Apprentice winner Randall Pinkett, who exposed Donald’s alleged obsession with their fellow contestant on the reality TV show and renowned beauty queen, Jennifer Murphy. According to reporting from The Atlantic, Pinkett told Setoodeh that Trump would constantly talk about how badly he wanted to have sex with Murphy.

The fourth season of  The Apprentice kicked off on Sept. 22, 2005, eight months to the day after Trump had officially married his third wife, Slovenian-born “model” Melania Knavs, and just six short months before she would give birth to their only child, Donald’s youngest son Barron Trump.

The Access Hollywood tape that would catapult Trump to infamy over his remarks about openly assaulting women by grabbing them by their genitals was filmed just prior to the fourth season’s start, during a time when Donald was appearing as a guest star on Days of Our Lives. 

Murphy, who was a 26-year-old beauty queen at the time of the taping, has spoken out in the past about Donald Trump’s affection for her, revealing that he once even gave her a “little kiss,” despite the fact that he was a married man.

However, in her new interviews with Setoodeh for his upcoming tell-all on Trump’s reality TV show, Murphy is now speaking up and admits that her interactions with Donald Trump actually went a whole lot further than that.

Murphy told the reporter that when she first met Donald Trump, she felt as though the then-real estate “mogul” and reality television “star” was treating her a lot like a protégée.

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“I think he looked at me in a way like he does his daughter,” Murphy explained in her interview for the book. “But also, I did think he had the hots for me a bit.”

Having previously spoken about the “little kiss” she confessed to years ago, Murphy now says that Donald Trump also “invited her to his room at the Beverly Hills Hotel. She declined the invitation because he was married to his current wife, Melania,” according to reporting on excerpts obtained by The Atlantic. 

“I have a conscience,” Murphy explained to Setoodeh, heavily implying that Donald’s invite to his hotel room was for the purpose of having sex with her. “I have integrity. I made up a reason I was busy.”

It was only a week after the infamous Access Hollywood tapes were released that Murphy would go on CNN and claim that, though it didn’t particularly bother her, Donald Trump had kissed her without asking.

Murphy would go on to attack the media and claim that she regretted confessing to the kiss: “I mentioned once, yes, he kissed me on the lips, but that’s all they want to focus on. It was a small kiss. It was after he had fired me on The Apprentice.”

The beauty queen revealed that, despite her string of losses on the business-style reality TV show, Trump still wanted to hire her in his office.

“He called me the next day and said, ‘I still want to give you an opportunity to work with me. I was very impressed with you,'” Murphy claims. “So, after several meetings and getting to know him more, he walked me to the elevator at one point and he did reach in and give me a little kiss. And I was a little surprised, but I wasn’t offended. And I could have turned away…”

In her interview for the book — that comes amid Donald Trump’s felony conviction for charges stemming from his alleged affair with adult film star Stormy Daniels — Murphy claims that she has never considered Trump to be a predator.

“I think, if anything, he likes beautiful women too much — if that’s a flaw,” she says.

Murphy said she remained friends with Trump over the years and he even gave her a discount when she got married at one of his properties.

Yet, for a man who she claims isn’t a predator, she had this less-than-amusing anecdote about Trump’s behavior at her wedding ceremony, part of which was filmed for Access Hollywood: “He put his arm around me. It was off camera. I think he smacked my butt a little. I was like, ‘Goodness gracious!’”

Apprentice in Wonderland is set to release on June 18th.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
