Watch MTG Gush Like A Schoolgirl Because “Sweet” Trump Said Hello To Her

Guys, I think she's in love.

565 points

Guys, I think Marjorie Taylor Greene is in looooooooove.

Just recently, we reported on her downright cringe-worthy open love letter to scandal-plagued and felony-convicted former President Donald Trump that she published on her X (formerly known as Twitter) account that read like a butchered version of “How do I love thee, let me count the ways…”

We had hoped that the downright humiliating backlash she found in the comments of that post would somehow deter her, at least from publicizing these obsessive feelings she has for the guy who’s technically banned from a whopping 15 different countries around the world now.

But, no such luck.

Greene recently found herself positively smitten and giddy all over again when Donald Trump finally dared to show his face on Capitol Hill after inciting a literal insurrection in the same place four years ago.

Speaking with CNN following the former president’s speech, Marjorie absolutely gushed like a schoolgirl about how “sweet” Donald Trump is, because he “recognized” her and “said hello.”

“I really found his speech to be one of my favorite speeches,” Greene told the CNN reporter outside the Capitol building, entirely unable to contain her overflowing excitement as she gave the world a play-by-play that quite literally no one wanted of her interaction with the felonious ex-president.

“He came in…he was really sweet to me. He saw me — I was sitting back a little ways — he saw me in there, and he was like, ‘Hello, Marjorie!'” Greene excitedly gushed as she demonstrated the moment that would soon go down in her dear diary by waving her hand at the CNN reporter.

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“He’s always so sweet, and recognizes me,” Marjorie continued to blubber as her star-struck smile only grew bigger and bigger. “He said, ‘Are you being nice?’ He was joking. ‘Are you being nice to Speaker Johnson?'”

“And I said, ‘ehhhh.’ And he said, ‘Okay, be nice to him,’ and I nodded my head.”

And that’s… Actually it. That’s all that happened.

That bar of yours is so low, it’s in Hell, Marjorie.

See the clip here:

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
