“I Think He Misses Me”: Watch Donald Trump Openly Brag About How Well He “Got Along” With One Of The World’s Most Heinous Dictators

He's PROUD of this.

624 points

Anyone with two semi-working brain cells to rub together would know, understand, and recognize the fact that being best friends forever with a literal totalitarian dictator and bona fide mass murderer would not be something you’d want to do, much less openly and proudly brag about.

But, lo and behold, that is not the case when it comes to Donald J. Trump.

The scandal-plagued and felony-convicted former president has long boasted about how close and friendly he is with some of the very worst people this world has to offer — including the likes of members of the Taliban, Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin, and, perhaps to most notable and heinous of them all, North Korea’s totalitarian dictatorship leader, Kim Jong Un.

In the days leading up to his Republican National Convention nominee acceptance speech, Trump and his people swore up and down that, in the wake of the assassination attempt against the former president, Donald Trump would be preaching love and “unity” from his proverbial pulpit. However, once he got up there in front of thousands of his adoring, sycophantic fans, Trump almost instantly feel back into his old ways, harping nothing more than the same hateful vitriol and lies we’ve been hearing for nearly a decade now.

That included his proud boasts about his relationship with Kim Jong Un.

Speaking to the crowd from the stage, Trump all but announced a formal endorsement from the heinous, murderous North Korean dictator as he openly bragged about how much Jong Un loves and admires him, even going so far as to say that he believes the North Korean leader “misses” him a lot.

“I got along very well with North Korea, Kim Jong Un, I got along very well with him,” Trump said, “The press hated it when I said that.”

After mocking the press, he goes on to add, “You know, it’s nice to get along with somebody that has a lot of nuclear weapons or otherwise, isn’t it?”

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“I got along with him and we stopped the missile launches from North Korea. Now, North Korea’s acting up again but, when we get back, I got along with him.”

“He’d like to see me back too,” Trump continued to boast before adding, “I think he misses me, if you wanna know the truth,” prompting a loud round of cheers and applause from the audience.

I will truly never understand how we, as a nation, got to a point where this is something worth being proud of.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
