Donald Trump Said To Be “Freaking Out” As He Finds Himself “Caught In A No-Win Situation” He Didn’t See Coming: Op-Ed

He's really not coping well at all.

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Scandal-plagued and felony-convicted former President Trump is soon to be forced to go toe-to-toe with current Vice President Kamala Harris after President Biden formally announced that he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race and throwing his official endorsement behind his sitting VP — and basically no one in Trumpworld is handling that well, especially Trump himself.

This week, Kamala Harris delivered a trailblazing speech in Milwaukee — where the Republican National Convention quite literally just wrapped up — and, according to Salon’s Amanda Marcotte that fiery speech signaled a serious change in the tides with regard to how 2024’s presidential campaigns will be run moving forward.

In her newest piece, Marcotte argues that President Biden’s concerningly fumbled debate performance, increasingly infrequent public appearances, and overall concerns and speculations about his mental acuity allowed Donald Trump to essentially skate through his entire presidential campaign thus far, basically just holding a rally here or there whenever he felt like it and spending the majority of the rest of his time and energy knocking around some golf balls.

However, Kamala Harris’ bombshell arrival on the playing board with just mere months to spare ahead of November’s crucial election day, just left Donald J. Trump holding the bag with nowhere to run or hide.

In Marcotte’s opinion, Trump is on a path toward only making things worse for himself if he attempts to keep up with Kamala’s barnstorm, as crucial swing states across the country have already proven that they have no love for the felony-convicted former president’s hate-fueled rhetoric.

“With Harris as the Democratic nominee, however, Trump is caught in a no-win situation,” Marcotte writes. “If he continues to hang back from the campaign trail while she’s out there hustling, he’ll start inviting the questions about whether he’s too old and weak, the exact questions that plagued Biden. But if he starts doing more media and events that are outside the MAGA bubble, he will draw negative attention and remind voters why they hate him. In the face of this paradox, Trump’s first impulse was to keep pretending Biden is his opponent. As reality sets in, Trump’s freaking out.”

She goes on to note that a formal debate between Harris and Trump — which Trump has seemingly been desperately trying to avoid — would only further serve to worsen things for the Republican nominee while giving Harris an even bigger boost than she already has, as Harris “would remind voters how much nicer it is when a politician can speak in complete sentences without going off on weird tangents about electric sharks and ‘the late, great Hannibal Lecter.'”

To wrap things off in a truly fiery fashion, Marcotte notes that Trump’s recent RNC speech likely only served to give swing-state voters the impression of a “racist grandpa is up way past his bedtime.”

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You can read Marcotte’s fiery full piece with Salon here.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
