Ex-Senior Official Revealed Trump Flew Into Unhinged Rage During A Meeting When The Subject Was Turned To Ukraine: “They’re F*cking Corrupt. They F*cking Tried To Screw Me”

This is INSANE.

665 points

As if Fiona Hill’s bombshell interview with the New York Times — in which she so brutally compared him to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin that Trump flew off the handle in a response statement — wasn’t bad enough for the one-term, twice-impeached former guy, it seems yet another former Trump administration official also spoke with the publication and had a few bombshells of their own.

Charles Kupperman, who once served as deputy national security adviser under Trump’s administration, explained to the Times that Trump continually lacked even a basic understanding of global politics and failed to grasp the importance of Ukraine. Instead, when it came to Donald Trump, everything was personal. So much so that, according to Kupperman, Trump flew into an insane, unhinged fit of rage during a 2019 meeting when the mere topic of Ukraine was brought up. Apparently, according to the then-president, Ukraine tried to make him lose the election in 2016.

In case it wasn’t clear, that is not true. It didn’t happen.

According to Kupperman, it all went down during a May 23, 2019 meeting, where Trump just “let loose” when the topic of Ukraine was brought up during the talks. Kupperman left the Trump administration just five short months later.

“‘They’re [expletive] corrupt. They [expletive] tried to screw me,'” Kupperman claims Trump fumed during the meeting.

It was later that very same year that Trump would be impeached by the US House of Representatives for attempting to extort the country of Ukraine and Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelenskyy into giving him dirt on his then-political opponent Joe Biden by withholding nearly $400 million congressionally approved aid to the country. Trump allegedly asked Zelenskyy for a “favor” during the infamous “perfect phone call,” ultimately asking that the Ukrainian president launch and publicly announce an investigation into Hunter Biden. Trump also asked for an investigation into the unfounded claim that it was actually Ukraine and not Russia that interfered in the 2016 presidential campaign.

Kupperman noted that it was crystal clear Trump’s interest in Ukraine boiled down to only two things — the notion that Ukraine propped up Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and the possibility that Zelenskyy could produce dirt on his political opponent. No more. No less.

“If one were to ask him to define ‘balance of power,’ he wouldn’t know what that concept was,” Kupperman explained. “He’d have no idea about the history of Ukraine and why it’s in the front pages today. He wouldn’t know that Stalin starved that country. Those are the contextual points one has to take into account in the making of foreign policy. But he wasn’t capable of it, because he had no understanding of history: how these countries and their leadership evolved, what makes these countries tick.”

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And that, folks, was the President of the United States for four long, whole years.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
