Trump Is Absolutely Fuming, Referred To Kamala Harris As “Real Garbage” After She Called Him Out As A “Predator”

He's REALLY not handling this well.

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Donald Trump is about to be forced to go toe-to-toe with Kamala Harris and he is not handling that change well.

At all…

Recently, President Joe Biden formally announced that he will not be running for re-election in November. Instead, he has stepped down, withdrawn from the race, and will focus on the remainder of his presidency while passing the baton on to his current vice president, Kamala Harris.

While the Democratic National Convention is still a few weeks away and nothing has yet been firmly set in stone, Biden was quick to throw his formal endorsement behind Harris as his replacement candidate for the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee.

Harris has since raked in record-breaking fundraising and has already been widely accepted among the party as the new nominee to face off with Donald Trump in November.

And Donald Trump is coping with that development about as well as we expected.

Not long after the announcement, the scandal-plagued and felony-convicted former president called into Fox & Friends for an interview, where the hosts boldly played a clip of Kamala Harris’ recent campaign speech, in which she referred to her Republican opponent as a “predator,” among many, many other things, and it effectively sent Donald Trump into a tailspin for the ages.

In her speech, and the clip aired by Fox for the former president to hear, Harris says:

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I was elected vice president before I was like the United States Senator. I was elected attorney general of the State of California, and I was a courtroom prosecutor before then. I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s tight and in this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week.”

The current VP and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee was making a clear reference to Donald Trump’s mountain of legal troubles, including the civil case he lost against writer E. Jean Carroll, in which he was found liable for sexually assaulting her in the dressing room of a Manhattan department store in the 90s as well as the 34 felony convictions he now has against him in the infamous Manhattan Stormy Daniels Hush Money case.

“That’s the attack,” Fox’s Brian Kilmeade told Trump as the clip came to a close, asking the former president, “What’s the retort?”

A clearly furious Trump went for blood, referring to Harris as “real garbage”:

Well, I think it’s disgusting, and I get a kick out of one thing. They say, ‘Sir, be nice. You just got hit with a bullet. Maybe he’s changed. Be nice,’ and I’d love to be nice, but I’m dealing against real garbage when you hear that.”

He went on to once again double and triple down on his incessant claims that he’s been unfairly victimized by a “weaponized” Department of Justice, ranting so hard and fast, we’re not even entirely sure he took in a full breath:

When you hear that they’ve weaponized the justice system against me, they’ve indicted me four times. They’ve pushed other lawsuits on. To me, it’s never happened in this country. This is like a third world country. What they’ve done a banana republic. Every single court case that I have is pushed on by them. They’ve taken the Justice Department, use local DA’s and use local attorney generals. Every single case I have. And I just won the big one in Florida that Biden didn’t win. What happened to Biden is they called him incompetent. He can run for president, but he’s incompetent to represent himself in court. But just so you know, they push all these cases on me. They’re the ones that started. And then they say, I’m a prosecutor. He’s a criminal. They’re the ones. Every case is started by them and I’m winning the cases. But every case and the big one I just won in Florida was just thrown out by a brilliant judge. To be honest with you, I think it’s. It’s disgraceful. It’s disgraceful that they can do this. It’s called weaponization.”

Kilmeade was eventually able to halfway reign the conversation back in, almost patronizingly asking Trump, “Did that get under your skin when those comments are made? Because that’s what they’re meant to do.”

“It’s not a question of getting under your skin,” Trump shot back. “You fight back. I fought back, I think, very valiantly. But they weaponized the United States Justice Department against Donald Trump for purposes of hurting their political opponent. And so far, and I think long term, it’s had it’s had a positive effect. My poll numbers are high, higher than they’ve ever been.”

You can watch the clip here:

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
