Vance Attempts To Share The Struggles His ‘Mamaw’ Faced And The Internet Quickly Makes Him Regret It

Cry us a river.

585 points

In some ways, Ohio GOP Sen. and vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance has used his family like a cudgel that he practically beats people over the head whenever he gives a speech, no matter where he is. And that’s what he did during a rally in Michigan earlier Wednesday. But the most noteworthy part of the speech came near the conclusion, where he said “If you work hard and play by the rules, you ought to be able to afford a good life for your family and that’s what Donald Trump and I going to fight for every single day for the next four years.”

Well, why don’t we look at the “good life” he provided for families during his four years as president? Let’s see, according to the American Center for Progress, he’s managed to INCREASE food insecurity for children as unemployment surged due to the rise of COVID-19, and he capped that off by excluding nearly five million kids from SNAP dollars Congres had provided to aid coronavirus relief efforts.

“As of April 2020, 1 in 3 households with children were experiencing food insecurity; in September, between 7 million and 11 million children lived in households where there was not enough to eat. Earlier this year, President Donald Trump also proposed cutting SNAP by 30 percent over the next decade, which would affect the 9.2 million SNAP households with children, the Center reports. “And in 2019, the U.S. Department of Agriculture proposed three regulatory attacks on the SNAP program that would decrease benefits for millions of families and strip almost 1 million children of automatic eligibility for free and reduced-price school meals.”

As if creating hungrier children wasn’t enough, he also worked to undermine their healthcare, especially as he continued his assault on the Affordable Care Act. I mean, this isn’t something piddling. As the Center reports, the number of uninsured children reached 4.4 million, even though the uninsured rates for kids were at a record low when the Tangerine Scream took office in 2017. Now there are 726,000 more children who are uninsured that were insured when took office.

Is that what Vance and Trump are  going to fight for every single day for the next four years?

And it’s not just kids who suffered during Trump’s time in office. Millions of adult Americans lost their health insurance coverage. The number of uninsured Americans (including the 726,000 kids) lost coverage according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

“Among the 41 states with increases in their numbers of uninsured residents, the largest increases were in Texas (689,000) and Florida (240,000). Many smaller states, such as Michigan (44,000) and Wisconsin (29,000), saw increases in the tens of thousands. Just a handful of states experienced a net gain in coverage, including New York, where the number of uninsured people declined by 176,000,” the Center reports here.

But Vancie-poo is here to talk up the pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps mantra that so many right-wingers tell poor people. Even though that almost never works.

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“My mamaw used to forgo buying her own medicine so she could feed our family. American parents shouldn’t have to make those sacrifices.

If you work hard and play by the rules, you ought to be able to afford a good life. That’s what Donald Trump and I are going to fight for.”

Yeah, but dude, your prospective boss has done everything in his power to make middle- and lower-class Americans poorer by the day. That whole “when I was a kid we ate boiled rocks for dinner” doesn’t cut it anymore. This is not lost on social media users, who are sick of Trump’s lies and shenanigans.

I mean @DorlanRon reminds us:

“Trump has concepts. Mamaw could have gotten her medicine with the ACA. I worked hard, played by the rules, and when I needed help the most, I realized 28 years of voting straight R was a YUGE mistake. Pre-existing conditions. I lost everything like so many Americans do. Thank God for ObamaCare.”

@origexoticar remembered the late Sen. John McCain’s (whom Trump hated) efforts to save Obamacare.

“So many gullible Magats. Remember this? This is John McCain SAVING Obamacare. (Affordable Care Act) He voted NO to its dissolution. Trump hated him. He hates trump more because he knew what his plans were.”

@BaddCompani reminded us that Biden is still in office (it almost seems like some Trumpers have forgotten this).

“That is what President Biden is already doing. Now let’s talk about an attempted Coup.”

And lastly, there’s this.

Trumpers may be gullible, but the rest of us know what these two are up to and we’re not buying what they’re selling.

Featured image via screengrab/YouTube

Megan Hamilton
Megan Colleen Hamilton was born and raised on progressive politics and she has long fought for liberal causes. She has lived in the Pacific Northwest, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, parts of Mexico, and now Central America. Her travels have further informed her progressive beliefs in these troubled times. She is currently owned by 11 cats, two dogs, and one naughty rabbit. She actually is one of those “childless cat ladies.”
