Megyn Kelly Tried To Complain About ‘Unfair’ Debate And Instantly Regretted It

She had a meltdown.

570 points

DISCLAIMER: This article was first published on September 11, 2024

Megyn Kelly is not happy about how Tuesday’s debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris went down. Indeed she sharply criticized the moderators, accusing them of favoritism toward Harris. This is somewhat surprising when you consider that Donald Trump treated her abysmally during one well-known debate, where he said Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever.”

For myself, I can’t support men like this who say these kinds of things to women. And believe me, we hear it all of our lives. So Kelly should really be glad that the moderators were able to reign Trump in (for the most part).

But no. She’s all up in it on X claiming “These moderators are a disgraceful failure and this is one of the most biased, unfair debates I have ever seen.”

“Shame on you @ABC,” she huffily concluded.

This from a woman who worked at unfair and unbalanced Fox News, which, the last time I checked, is very right-wing. A woman who left that cable channel to work for NBC News and was subsequently terminated for making derogatory comments about wearing Black face during Halloween.

And she’s saying that debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis were biased? Really?

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I am gobsmacked. Really, I am. So were lots of other social media users, who told Kelly a thing or two on X.

“Are we watching the same debate?,” @j_morein wanted to know. “He answers questions by deflecting.. that’s what he does.. Questions ‘answered’ deflects to talking about anything else other than staying on point. They had to ask the question twice, and he still doesn’t answer without deflecting. Talk about January 6 and if you cannot without deflecting, you might be an unaccountable narcissist.”

Whew, that’s brutal!

@karlykingsley added:

“Maybe you should take notes, Megyn.”

And yes, there were more.

But no matter how many lies Donald Trump tells, no matter how many things he gets wrong, and no matter how many “senior moments” he has, you can be sure there are those flying monkeys (Trump supporters) out there to vent their own hilarious bile.

Really, these people have reached a whole new level of stupid. They accept every lie that spills out of Trump’s mouth as fact, no matter how ludicrous they are. Democratic states are allowing people to k*ll babies after birth? Ridiculous. Trump claimed this numerous times during the debate and his followers swallow this hook, line, and sinker. These people lack the ability to think critically. Trump isn’t too good at this either and it’s why Harris cleaned his clock during the debate.

This wasn’t so much of a debate as it was Kamala steamrolling over him.

Oh, and just for fun I’m adding this video of Kelly melting down over Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris. Boy is she off the rails here.

Did I mention this woman is a Melania wannabe? Sure looks like it anyway.

Featured image via screengrab.

Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here:
