Trump Just Made A New “Installment” To The White House So He Could Play Golf Instead Of Work

I can't believe this.

582 points

Donald Trump has spent a terrifying amount of time during his presidency not doing ANY type of work. In fact, the president has spent a good portion of his term running away to his resorts and playing golf, wasting taxpayer money and refusing to do his job. Unfortunately, Trump’s avoidance of his presidential role is about to get much worse, because he just found a way to avoid work even more.

In the latest “improvement” to the White House, Trump has installed a room-sized golf simulator game, which will allow him to play golf virtually on courses throughout the world. Basically, Trump will be hitting a ball into a video screen, combining his two favorite things — golf and television.

Trump’s ridiculous virtual golf system cost $50,000 and is located in a room in his personal quarters. According to an official, Trump paid for this system and its installment personally. While it’s a nice surprise that Trump didn’t use taxpayer dollars for this, concerns about what Trump does during the long blocks of his “executive time” are now spiking. Aides have already stated that Trump’s unstructured schedule is usually spent watching television and tweeting — adding golf to this depressing picture will only make Trump less productive than he already is.

When confronted about his “executive time” (which takes up 60 percent of his schedule), Trump said this:

When the term Executive Time is used, I am generally working, not relaxing.”

While having this golf simulator is a disaster for his already failing presidency, perhaps it will keep him off Twitter a bit more.

Featured image via screen capture
