Trump Goes On Twitter Rant About COVID-19, Brags About Helping Countries With Pandemic Even Though He Doesn’t Seem To Have A Handle On It At Home

By setting a good example of what not to do.

636 points

President Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic here in the United States has been a disaster, yet he is bragging about helping other countries during this trying time.

During his Oval Office address on Wednesday night, Trump announced a temporary ban on travel from Europe, countries where he owns golf resorts being the lone exception. That’s not the definition of helping out, but Trump took to Twitter on Thursday to claim that he is helping other countries.

Again, the problem is that he isn’t even helping the country he is the leader of handle the pandemic, and it’s likely other countries really don’t need such help. And that’s not just because Trump is a buffoon who screws up everything, but because most countries have universal healthcare systems designed to deal with outbreaks.

Social media mercilessly mocked Trump’s brag.

One Twitter user, however, put it best:

Enough said.

Featured image via screen capture

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