CNN Host Rips Trump A New One: “No One Wants To Hear From The Birther-In-Chief… That’s How Black People Feel.”

He's done with Trump's racist sh*t.

604 points

The recent cruel and untimely death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota has set this nation on full tilt, and rightly so, as thousands of people across the country and all throughout Minneapolis take to the streets in protests and riots against yet another black man’s murder at the hands of some bad police officers.

And according to CNN’s Don Lemon, Donald Trump’s weak promises of action aren’t worth a dime to much of anyone.

Multiple videos have flooded social media platforms over the last several days, showing Floyd face down on the pavement, his hands cuffed behind his back, a white officer’s knee buried in the back of his neck, as he begged and pleaded, “I can’t breathe!” Floyd was pronounced dead a short time later that day, as the officer never removed his knee until his lifeless body was loaded on a stretcher.

And Lemon says, in the aftermath of the Nth death in the same vein, “Nobody wants to hear from the White House or the attorney general right now.”

Trump recently labeled the footage of the murder as a “shocking sight” and declared that the FBI would be investigating the death per his orders — despite the fact that the FBI was already investigating the murder.

But Lemon was quick to point out during a CNN segment that Trump’s long history of racist behavior and rhetoric makes his declaration moot before highlighting some of Trump’s most widely known antics as proof of his indirect contribution to murders like Floyd’s.

Lemon used the segment to remind viewers that Trump has called for the death penalty for the “Central Park Five,” responded to the clash between protesters and white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia by saying there were “very fine people on both sides,” and essentially served as the face of the “birther” conspiracy against former POTUS Barack Obama.

Lemon also pointed out that Trump referred to NFL players who took a knee in silent protest against police violence against black Americans as “sons of bitches.”

The CNN host stated:

No one wants to hear from the man who said there are ‘very fine people on both sides.’ Do you understand what I am saying? No one wants to hear from the person that they perceive as contributing to this situation, situations like this, in this society. Not directly, but allowing people like that to think they can get away from this. No one wants to hear from the Birther-in-Chief, from the ‘sons of bitches’-calling person, who says that athletes, who are kneeling for this very reason. No one wants to hear from that.”

“That’s how Black people feel,” CNN’s Lemon concluded. “The person who said, from klansmen and racists and Nazis and anti-Semites, that there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ no one wants to hear that.”

Trump has since taken to Twitter to speak against the protesters with a tweet so bad that Twitter actually hid its contents for violating its rule against condoning violence, as the president of the United States literally threatened to shoot protesters.

You can watch the clip here:

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