Trump Is Reportedly Upset That He’s Not Getting Praised For The Economy, Even Though Tens Of Millions Of Americans Are Out Of Work

Me, me, me.

625 points

Nearly three million Americans have contracted COVID-19, and upwards of one hundred and thirty-one thousand U.S. citizens have died from the disease. Americans have found themselves shuttered at home to flatten the coronavirus curve, a disease that this president says will magically disappear. Nearly twenty-five million workers in this country are now unemployed, and Trump is complaining that he is not receiving enough praise for the economy.

Trump took a victory lap on Thursday, touting the “new jobs” that were created. Unfortunately, though, those were people returning to work. Trump did not create those jobs, and with the president’s mishandling of the pandemic, states will likely have to shut down again, resulting in a massive increase in unemployment numbers again.

The Daily Beast reports that three people that have independently spoken to Trump, and the president has been whining on a regular basis that the media has not given him the credit he feels he deserves for “leading” what he falsely believes to be a smashing economic recovery.

Trump claims, according to the report, that if presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden were in the White House right now, the media would be drooling over the strong job gains, and that includes the nearly five million jobs that the Labor Department reported on Thursday had been added over the last month ending in mid-June.

Trump has an obsession with statues.

Trump’s gone so far as to suggest that Democrats would want to build ‘statues’ honoring Biden, one of the sources said. Elsewhere, he’s griped about how the ‘phony’ polls conducted by independent organizations aren’t reflecting more voter enthusiasm about economic rejuvenation, another source recounted.”

Trump — who has declared himself to be a wartime president — has surrendered to the coronavirus. While Americans are suffering, the commander in chief is golfing again today. Trump is hitting the links, then going to speak at an event at Mount Rushmore where the Governor said there would be no social distancing practiced and protective face masks are not required. Trump is a failure on every level, never bothering to lead by example. And of course, everything is about him, not the people he is supposed to represent. MAGA is dead. Trumpism is on life support and needs to be euthanized in November to put it out of its agony — and ours, too.

Featured image via Wikimedia Commons

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