Internet Mocks Trump After 5 Cognitive Questions He Called “Very Hard” During Fox News Interview Are Revealed

If these questions were 'very hard' to him, he should not be president.

601 points

Donald Trump claimed that the final five questions on a cognitive test he supposedly “aced” are “very hard” questions that not even Fox News anchor Chris Wallace would correctly answer. Well, the questions have been revealed and the Internet is laughing its a** off.

Wallace has already noted that one of the questions on Trump’s test was asking him to identify a picture, which turned out to be an elephant. Not a really hard task and certainly nothing to brag about.

But Trump took his boasting further during the interview by insisting that the last five questions on the test were “very hard” and that not many people, Wallace included, would likely be able to answer them. You know, because Trump thinks he’s a “genius.”

So, The Daily Beast reporter Julia Davis figured out what the five final questions were and you’ll be embarrassed by Trump or deeply disturbed.

That’s right, two of the simplest questions one should be able to answer easily if they are cognitively healthy. But Trump called these questions “very hard” and boasted that doctors told him he “aced” the test.

Social media users begged to differ.

The bottom line is that Trump does not have the mental capacity to be president. The 25th Amendment exists for a reason. It’s time to use it. Unfortunately, Trump’s Cabinet is about as brain dead as he is.

Featured image via Flickr/Michael Vadon, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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