Trump Aides Reportedly Have A List Of Topics They Hope The “All Over The Place” Former President Won’t Bring Up In His CPAC Speech

This is pathetic.

620 points

Trump is slated to deliver his big CPAC speech today and according to a report from POLITICO Playbook’s Tara Palmeri, aides to the former president have been working with him on his speech for the big event all week. According to the report, Trump’s aides left one meeting with the former POTUS rather concerned about what could potentially come out of the man’s mouth once he gets on a stage in front of his adoring fans once again, for the first time since he left the White House.

Aides are reportedly in hopes that Trump would keep his focus on preaching Republican Party unity during his big speech, which they keep an eye on his hints at a second presidential run in 2024 and his fear-mongering, conspiracy claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him via mass voter fraud and unfairly given to President Joe Biden.

The POLITICO report notes that Trump has been regularly talking about the speech that will officially mark his return to the public’s eye since he lost the election and departed the White House, without so much as a single Twitter account to air his grievances on. Aides are rightfully concerned that the lack of a platform has led to a plethora of bottled up frustrations in the former president and they’re worried that the proverbial cork will blow on the CPAC stage this afternoon.

Palmer explains in the report that there is a list of topics that advisors to the former president are seriously hoping don’t bubble to the surface if/when Donald Trump goes off script during his big speech — which, let’s be real, will absolutely happen.

Naturally, the topic of a stolen 2020 election is pretty much at the top of their list of topics they hope the former president won’t bring up. However, the report goes on to note that aides hope he won’t “Gripe about how he thinks he was unfairly blamed for Jan. 6,” with NYT’s Maggie Habermann reporting that Trump has been “cautioned by advisers not to say anything that might make him a larger target for the various prosecutors considering or pursuing investigations related to him.”

The report notes that his aides are apparently okay with potshots at Rep. Liz Cheney but are really hoping that Trump stays away from critical diatribes against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Palmeri reports, “A Trump adviser said they got Trump to take a McConnell dig out of the script, but who knows what he’ll say.”

She goes on to add, “Sources tell me that there was a lot of nodding and agreement at a strategy meeting on Thursday between Trump and his closest aides on how to wield his power via endorsements and messaging. But some left the room feeling like their hair was on fire because, according to one of the aides, Trump was ‘all over the place.'”

You can read the full report here.

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