Trump Is Again Claiming That He Was Once Named Michigan’s Man Of The Year During Tonight’s MI Rally, Despite The Fact That It Literally Never Happened, And We Seriously Couldn’t Make This Up If We Tried

You gotta be kidding me!!!

695 points

Throughout the last year and a half or so, Trump’s unhinged, false claims regarding the 2020 presidential election, aptly dubbed the “Big Lie,” have taken up the most attention in the public’s eye — and for damn good reason, as it’s one of Donald’s most severe, deeply-rooted, and frankly dangerous demented fantasies to date. But let us not forget, the Big Lie is far from Donald Trump’s only disturbing, crazed delusions.

Over the years, Trump has pretty regularly dropped the claim that he was once named and/or awarded the state of Michigan’s “Man of the Year” award. As I said, this isn’t a new claim for the guy. He’s been making this assertion here and there for what feels like umpteen-hundred years now.

And, like clockwork, during tonight’s Washington Township, Michigan MAGA rally at the Michigan Stars Sports Center, the ages-old declaration came ’round once again.

“And then I was named a long time ago, I was named, did you know this, a long time, I dunno, your Chamber of Commerce, somebody, who the hell knows what it is, they named me the man of the year in Michigan,” Trump declared from the stage tonight in a big, fat bowl of half-baked word salad that only he could really pull off.

But here’s the problem with that ages-old claim, ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary friends — it is complete and total, utter and absolute bullshit.

The popular fact-checking website, Snopes, took on Trump’s popular “Michigan’s Man of the Year” claim back in 2020 and was quick to determine that the claim was 100 percent FALSE. 

We looked into whether such an award existed, and if Trump actually was a recipient. No journalist or news organization has ever found this to be the case.

Not only were multiple news organizations unable to find evidence of Trump winning such an award, but there was no proof the award existed in the first place.”

Not only did Donald Trump never receive this award, such an award literally does not even exist.

And yet, this is the man who served as the United States President for four… Whole… Years.

Featured image via screen capture 

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