ABC Investigative Reporter Posted Video From Mar-A-Lago, Claimed People Were Trying To Leave Donald Trump’s Speech Before It Was Over — But Security Would Not Let Them Out

People weren't being allowed to leave...

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Donald Trump finally held his big speech at his Mar-a-Lago resort turned post-White House home, where he officially announced his third consecutive run for the office of the United States president. However, things didn’t exactly go off without a hitch. Far from it, actually.

In real-time during the event, multiple former insiders, analysts, and experts offered up their thoughts on Trump’s “low-energy, uninspiring” announcement speech, with the biggest consensus of the night being the theory that even Trump himself was “bored” with the dry teleprompter speech as he “struggled” to stay on script.

But it seems Trump wasn’t the only one who was bored with the whole ordeal.

Multiple reports have hit the media cycle since the announcement, claiming that several people had attempted to leave the Mar-a-Lago speech before it was over, only to be stopped by the ex-president’s security, who allegedly wouldn’t let them out of the country club while Trump’s speech was still going on.

Ed Mazza with the Huffington Post reported, “Donald Trump announced his latest bid for the White House to a practically captive audience at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on Tuesday night. ABC’s Jonathan Karl called the speech ‘incredibly low energy’ and said he saw people leaving in the middle of it ― until they were blocked from departing.”

ABC News investigative journalist Olivia Rubin took to social media with video footage of the crowd, writing, “A crowd has formed by the exit of the ballroom as some try to leave Trump’s announcement speech before he has finished…. But security won’t let them.”

The HuffPost report continues, “The announcement also comes as polls say his popularity within the GOP has plunged. One new poll showed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), a one-time Trump acolyte and potential 2024 rival, surging past him in multiple states. Trump insiders had reportedly urged him to delay his announcement.” Some have worried that it could complicate GOP efforts to get out the vote in Georgia, where a runoff will determine whether Democrats hold a 50 or 51 seat majority in the Senate.”

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Multiple reports have hit the media cycle since the midterm election, indicating that numerous senior Republicans are not happy about Trump’s presidential campaign announcement.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
