Ivanka Trump In Hot Water: Reports Confirmed Her J6 Actions Under Serious Scrutiny After Investigators Were Given “Inconsistent,” Conflicting Testimonies

It just keeps getting worse for daddy's little princess.

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For all of her efforts to distance herself from her scandal-ridden, delusional ex-presidential father after he clung unendingly to his 2020 election conspiracies and Big Lie, the eldest former first daughter can’t seem to get away from all of her father’s trouble, or the trouble she created when she worked for him.

Politico’s Betsy Woodruff Swan has now released a bombshell report, revealing that the actions of Ivanka Trump on January 6th — as her father’s supporters violently stormed the nation’s Capitol building in an attempt to essentially steal the U.S. election on her father’s behalf — are now under heavy scrutiny, after investigators received conflicting, “inconsistent” testimonies from Trump White House insiders.

At the heart of the new scrutiny is how much effort ex-President Trump’s eldest daughter actually put into convincing her father to call off the insurrection and bring an end to the deadly violence as lawmakers on both sides of the fence fleed the building that was under siege while Capitol police officers became rapidly overwhelmed by Donald Trump’s rabid supporters.

As it turns out, some Trump White House insiders have testified under oath that Ivanka only have to go in and confront her father one time, to convince him to send out a “tweet supporting Capitol Police just a few minutes after she first went in and asked him to say something about the attack.”

But these claims stand in direct contradiction to former Vice President Mike Pence’s national security adviser Keith Kellogg’s testimony, in which he claimed to the committee that Ivanka was forced to confront her father multiple different times before she convinced him to act.

The House Select Committee penned a formal letter to Ivanka, informing her of Kellogg’s testimony: “The testimony also suggests that you agreed to talk to the President, but had to make multiple efforts to persuade President Trump to act,” quoting Kellogg being asked, “And so presumably the first time she [Ivanka Trump] went in, it wasn’t sufficient or she wouldn’t have had to go back at least one more time, I assume. Is that correct?” and Kellogg responding, “Well, yes, ma’am. I think she went back there because Ivanka can be pretty tenacious.”

Woodruff Swan explains in her report, “While it’s a small detail in the context of the whole attack, legal experts have said it could have bearing on Trump’s potential criminal exposure. And the efforts and actions of the president’s closest advisers — including his daughter, then also a senior White House official — are a key focus of select committee investigators working to piece together the definitive account of Jan. 6.”

Given the newly ignited scrutiny and scandal regarding this discrepancy, Kellogg has since backed away from the previous assertion he made during his testimony, issuing a new statement that now claims, “I defer to Ivanka. She was in with 45 one-on-one. Never saw the transcripts from the 6 January committee so cannot comment on what was in the write-up.”

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Republican House Rep. and member of the House Select Committee Liz Cheney has already said, “We know his daughter — we have firsthand testimony — that his daughter Ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence.”

Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner weighed in with his own thoughts on the matter, noting that any delay by Trump to act against the deadly violence could certainly serve as evidence of a crime.

“That is a president in a very real way, waging war against the United States,” Kirschner explained. “Even his own daughter couldn’t stop him. That is deeply incriminating information. Presumably, it’s been provided by Ivanka under oath to the J-6 committee, and if I were prosecuting the case, she would be one of the very early witnesses I called.”

He went on to note that the House panel could very well be setting up a perjury trap for many of these Trump insiders.

You can read the full report here.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
