Americans Were Disgusted After Donald Trump’s Team Sent Emails Calling On Supporters To Carry Around “Trump Cards” That Featured The Ex-President’s Signature On Them

Uhm... This is beyond weird.

658 points

As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the Right has lost their collective minds over the mere idea of vaccination cards to prove that you’ve been inoculated against the literal deadly pandemic that is still raging and mutating all across the nation. However, it seems that they may not share such a level of disdain over carrying around some sort of “card,” so long as it’s inscribed with their dear leader Donald Trump’s moniker.

According to a report from Business Insider, the disgraced former president now wants his supporters to start carrying around “Trump Cards.”

In two emails sent out by Trump’s PAC recently, the former guy called on his base to start carrying around red-and-gold cards that resemble a credit card and bear the ex-president’s signature.

“The card you select will be carried by Patriots all around the Country,” the first email reads. “They will be a sign of your dedicated support to our movement to SAVE AMERICA, and I’m putting my full trust in you.”

In a follow-up email, the Trump team added, “We’re about to launch our Official Trump Cards, which will be reserved for President Trump’s STRONGEST supporters.”

“We recently met with the President in his Florida office and showed him four designs,” the email continued. “Originally we were planning on releasing just one design, but when President Trump saw the cards on his desk, he said, ‘These are BEAUTIFUL. We should let the American People decide – they ALWAYS know best!'”

Nothing in the emails seemed to explain what would entitle an individual to carry one of these “Trump Cards” and clicking on the link to vote on a design for the cards unsurprisingly redirects you to the former president’s fundraising page.

Social media users were quick to note how this new “Trump Card” endeavor only serves to solidify the notion that Trump’s base is less so a political base of supporters and more so a terrifying cult:

It’s clear that these people have no shame when it comes to their double standards. But go ahead with your Trump Cards, at least we sane folks will have a clear indicator of who to stay the hell away from.

Featured image via Political Tribune Gallery 

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
