Andrea Mitchell Shoots Back At Mike Pompeo After He Tells Her To “Do Some Reporting”

What a condescending little sh*t.

573 points

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell and outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo got into a slap-fight on Twitter after he tried to demean her work as a journalist after she criticized his activities while in office. There is a lot to be critical of Pompeo for. This time, Mitchell took issue with his plans to travel to Georgia on Wednesday ahead of the Senate runoffs to give a speech before the Georgia Institute of Technology, Mediaite reports.

NBC reports that Pompeo “warned an audience at Georgia Institute of Technology on Wednesday of the vulnerability of America’s college campuses to Chinese influence and accused some liberal higher education institutions of being bought by Beijing.” Right, left-leaning colleges are the most important thing in the world to address right now while his boss is attempting a coup, but OK.

Mitchell wondered if Pompeo’s trip was political:

Pompeo then told Mitchell to “do some reporting.”

Mitchell then thanked Pompeo for “finally” answering a question.

Pompeo is one hot mess.

The Secretary of State is apparently part of his boss’s super-spreader club amid the raging pandemic that has brought our country to a standstill as COVID-19 continues to spike in every single state. According to NBC, Pompeo is hosting more than a dozen lavish holiday events even as his department instructs that all “non-mission critical events” should be virtual. The people in Trump’s orbit expect others to isolate while they party it up without regard for human life. Many people in this administration should be held accountable for their appalling actions while Americans continue to die. So, it would be best if Pompeo could adjust his condescending attitude.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0/screen capture

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