Apparently Lara And Eric Trump Honestly Believe Their 4-Year-Old Son Could Be The Next Elon Musk And Twitter Has Thoughts: “That Would Only Prove The Kid’s Not His”

That didn't go over so well.

658 points

Lara and Eric Trump are out here being super offensive, yet again, and Twitter had a whole hell of a lot to say about it this time.

The former First Son’s wife is one of many washed-up Republican halfwits who couldn’t figure out what to do with their lives once Donald Trump got kicked out of the White House, and ended up starting a podcast because their skillset is severely lacking in every department outside of “making a spectacle out of myself.”

During a recent episode of that podcast, Right View with Lara Trump, the ex-president’s daughter-in-law got onto to topic of the 4-year-old son she shares with her husband Eric.

Of course, as you’d absolutely expect with these people, Lara and Eric appear to be of the belief that their toddler is the best thing since sliced bread and no other toddler could possibly complete. In fact, according to Lara, the kid is so damn smart, she honestly thinks he could potentially be the next Elon Musk.

“I feel like our son almost could be like an Elon Musk type,” Lara said during the podcast episode. “Because the things that he observes when he looks at like a video or a picture, I’m like ‘Wow. You’re looking at that in a way that I never even thought about.’ But that’s Elon Musk! You know, this guy is like, running the world nowdays.”

Her hubby interjected, “He’s got a hyper-savant in him.”

Now, allow me to take a moment and explain why what they said is problematic.

Back in 2021, the 49-year-old Tesla CEO hosted Saturday Night Live and said he was “the first person with Asperger’s” to host the long-running comedy skit show — The “Asperger’s syndrome” hails from Nazi doctor Hans Asperger and while some individuals still identify with the term, it is generally regarded as offensive language among the Autism community and was actually removed as a subtype of Autism by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) in 2013. It is now diagnosed as autism spectrum disorder. But who ever expected Elon Musk to be politically correct, right?

But, I digress.

Eric Trump claimed that his toddler has “a hyper-savant in him.” While the word “savant” can be defined as “a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist,” it typically goes hand in hand with the Autism community, as Savant Syndrome is an extraordinary, rare condition often seen in people on the Autism spectrum.

While I suppose it’s certainly possible that Eric and Lara’s kid is on the spectrum, I highly doubt it. And I’ve never heard a word about him being a true savant.

Therefore, you can kind of imagine how the response went when the video started floating its way around social media:

Look, every parent out there thinks their kid is the greatest ever. It’s pretty normal. But maybe let’s not be offensive jerks about it, k?

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