Apparently MTG Is Really Scared And Upset About What Could Happen To Donald Trump If He Ends Up In Prison

What's that saying? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

598 points

For the people who claim to be the party of “law and order,” the MAGA Republicans sure do clutch their pearls at the mere prospect of their beloved Dear Leader Donald Trump being subjected to any of that “law” or “order,” despite the fact that he’s quite literally a 34-times convicted felon.

Today, the House Homeland Security Committee held a hearing, in which Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson introduced a bill that would effectively strip former President Donald Trump of his Secret Service protection, should he be sentenced to prison for any of his various crimes.

Apparently, this prospect sent controversial far-Right Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor into a fit of hysterics, as screeched about how the scandal-plagued and felony-convicted former president could be murdered if he ended up in prison.

“Trump’s Secret Service protection could be removed under Bennie Thompson’s proposed legislation,” Greene told the committee before going on to fume, “This legislation was introduced while the politically weaponized government was prosecuting former President Donald Trump.”

“I’d also like to state for the record for this committee that over 140 inmates are murdered in prison every single year,” Greene further proclaimed, clearly attempting to fearmonger the room. “This is a dangerous place. Prison is, and of course, an 8% of violence in prison leads to the murder of inmates.”

“This legislation is reckless, and the minority ranking member needs to withdraw this legislation that would lead to the murder of President Trump.”

Democratic members of the Committee called for a response from Rep. Thompson, however, Republican Chairman Mark Green refused before he had a chance.

We’re not going to debate,” Green said. “There’s a difference of opinion, I suppose.”

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Thompson released a statement this week explaining that his bill, if it were to pass into law, would not have prevented Secret Service protection for Donald Trump at his recent Pennsylvania rally, where he was the target of an assassination attempt.

“My bill would not have affected the Secret Service’s presence during this tragic event. It aims to clarify lines of authority when a protectee is sentenced to prison and is in the custody of another law enforcement agency,” Thompson clarified. “That does not apply to the former President.”

Former President Trump is currently slated for sentencing following his felony Manhattan hush money conviction on September 18th.

You can watch a clip of the hearing here:

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
