“Cluster Of Deception”: Body Language Expert Sank His Teeth Into Trump’s Bible Commercial; Not Only Is Donald “Lying,” He Takes “Joy-Pleasure” In Getting Away With It

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Scandal-plagued former President Donald Trump is making headlines recently for a variety of reasons — the largest of which was his creepy and rather ironic informercial-style video where he marked Holy Week by hawking “God Bless America” Bibles, endorsed by himself and country music singer Lee Greenwood.

The “patriotic”, American flag-emblazoned Bibles are themed off Greenwood’s infamous “God Bless The USA” song that Donald loves to pump at his rallies and feature a handwritten chorus to “God Bless The USA” and copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance — all for the low, low price of $59.99.

With his 3-minute-long video going viral across social media, famed and sharp-eyed body language and emotional intelligence expert Dr. Jack Brown sank his teeth into Donald’s commercial, calling it a “cluster of deception” in a 17-part thread on X (formerly known as Twitter) where he breaks down all of the former president’s precise body language tells in detail.

Brown, who’s been featured on the likes of CNN and ABC News for his body language expertise, writes, “Donald Trump’s body language indicates he is lying when he says the Bible is, ‘… my favorite book.’ Trump is also lying when he says, ‘I have many.'”

Dr. Brown breaks down the details of a man he describes as projecting “duping delight,” or a deep-seated pleasure in the act of not only telling but feeling as though he’s getting away with his lies.

Brown takes a specific look at the moment when Trump looks straight into the camera and tells the world, “All Americans need a Bible in their home and I have many. It’s my favorite book.”

The body language expert says he’s not buying it.

“Trump has many tells when he lies, and a specific cluster of deception tells is displayed during and immediately after he says, ‘many,'” Dr. Brown explains in his thread before going on to highlight a series of Trump’s body language that indicates deception, such as tilting and rotating his head, raising his eyebrows, widening his eyes, and clenching then jutting his jaw.

Brown points to Trump’s pause before the word “many” and calls it “quite telling” as well as the ex-president’s clearly suppressed smile and shaking of his head when he refers to the Bible as his favorite book.

“The suppression of a smile is always a tell that there’s undisclosed information,” the expert explains. “A smile while raising one’s forehead is an insincere smile.”

Dr. Brown suggests the suppressed smile indicates a deception, before going on to offer up his theory on what that specific lie may be.

“In many cases, this is a manifestation of what is known as ‘Duping Delight'” he explains. “The underlying thought emotion cause of Duping Delight is a person taking joy-pleasure in the act of what they believe to be is their successful perpetration of a lie.”

He goes on to warn that individuals who take part in “duping delight” are those with a highly unhealthy emotional life.

“It’s also crucial to keep in mind that what gives a psychologically healthy person joy-pleasure is almost always very different from what gives a psychologically unhealthy the same emotions,” Brown writes.

He left readers with this theory to consider: “Whenever a body language signal contradicts the verbal message, it’s the body language that’s telling the truth.”

You can find Dr. Jack Brown’s full thread on X here.

Watch Trump’s Bible commercial here:

Featured image via Political Tribune Gallery 

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
