Conservatives Are Claiming That Melania Trump Was “Sending A Message” With Her Fourth Of July “Drawings” Dress

This is Cocoa Puff level cuckoo.

604 points

The entire Fourth of July weekend carried out by Donald Trump and his administration was just about as weird as it gets. There is a pandemic raging through this nation with no end in sight, and the president spent an entire 48-hour period cramming as many maskless people into one weekend like sardines in a can as he could.

During Trump’s first Independence Day shindig at Mount Rushmore, First Lady Melania Trump donned a white dress that was covered in what looked like black scribbles all over it that were evidently supposed to represent human figures, as the nearly $4,000 dress was named “Dancing Girls.”


Might I suggest a couple of real jobs for these folks? Because they clearly have way too much time on their hands.

Featured image via screen capture
