Corrupt Trump Caught Red-Handed In Photo Evidence Appearing To Meet With The CEO Who Helped Organize “Patriot Caravans” To The J6 Capitol Riot Just Three Months After Attack

Well, well, well...

666 points

Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly denied any involvement in the atrocities that took place at our nation’s Capitol building on January 6th when violent pro-Trump insurrectionists stormed the sacred building as Congress was undergoing certification of the Electoral College votes that made Joe Biden the new President of the United States. However, all the denials in the world do nothing to erase picture proof.

A bombshell report from The Uprising includes surfaced photo evidence of ex-president Donald Trump meeting with a Florida-based CEO who had a big hand in organizing “Patriot Caravans” to Washington, D.C. on the fateful January day of the Capitol insurrection, just three short months after the violent riot took place.

Uprising report Hunter Walker writes, “The Uprising has obtained a photo showing former President Trump meeting with Jeff Brain, CEO of the social media site Clouthub. According to the source who provided the picture, the pair met at Trump’s private club, Mar-a-Lago, on April 21 while Brain was there meeting with investors to seek funding for his site.”

The bombshell report continues, “Clouthub was featured on the webpage for the ‘Wild Protest,’ which was one of the main pro-Trump rallies planned for January 6 to protest the certification of Trump’s election loss at the Capitol. Brain’s site hosted multiple pages organizing “Patriot Caravans” to attend the protest. Trump supporters, many of whom attended these rallies, ultimately broke into the Capitol as the certification was taking place leading to violent clashes with law enforcement and multiple deaths. Clouthub also hosts pages dedicated to the QAnon conspiracy theory.”

Despite his numerous denials, Donald Trump was officially impeached (for the second time) over his incitement of the January 6th Capitol riots that will assuredly go down in history books. It was Trump’s election conspiracy theories leading up to that fateful day that fueled the violent attack as well as his reported reluctance to intervene that allowed it to escalate to the point of severity that it did. Of course, though he was officially impeached, Trump ultimately escaped any repercussions or real accountability when he escaped actual conviction in the Senate by a handful of devoutly loyal GOP votes.

You can see the photos here.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
