Daily Mail Reported “Exhausted” Trump Looked “Gaunt And Pale” During Trip To NY After Spying Scandal Broke

Yikes. He's looking rough.

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Since Donald Trump’s humiliating departure from the White House earlier this year, his “people” have been quick to brag about how healthy, virile, and in shape the now ex-president is. However, from the looks of these photos recently released by the Daily Mail, Donnie’s return to life as an average, private American citizen isn’t really treating him all the well.

Now, let’s be honest, the guy’s got A LOT going on, what with the lawsuits that are piling up, the criminal investigations that are heating up, and the news broke that his Department of Justice was “spying” on everyone from top Democrats, to political opponents, to his own White House counsel, a minor child reportedly included — and it seems as though these claims of “getting fit” are more likely to be the ill effects of endless stress on a now 75-year-old man who’s likely done more drugs than we can even fathom in his lifetime.

Recently, on Donald’s 75th birthday, the Daily Mail released images of the former president on his first visit to his old home state of New York since the news of the DOJ spying scandal broke and, frankly, he ain’t looking too good.

In fact, the publication specifically notes that Trump appeared “exhausted as he arrived back at Trump Tower in New York” and noted that the ex-president was looking quite “gaunt and pale.”

In the photos, it appears as though Trump has shed some of the pounds he seemed to put on during his time in the White House and it looked as though maybe his spray tan guy was out on vacation — leaving him to sport a paler skin tone that’s pretty unusual for the guy who’s typically mocked for his tangerine-esque glow.

He was also spotted with a rather wrinkly suit and no signature red tie to be seen with the top button of his shirt open as he returned to his Trump Tower room, flanked by Secret Service.

It seems to me as though things just keep getting worse and worse for the guy, and it’s really starting to show.

You can read the full report here.

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