Devin Nunes May Have Reportedly Just Accidentally Implicated Trump And His Family In Russia Collusion

He said the quiet part loud.

591 points

As Trump continues to tout his hair-brained “Obamagate” conspiracy theory — which we’ve since found out is a ploy on Donald’s part to attempt to discredit his predecessor as a surrogate for Democratic frontrunner and former Vice President Joe Biden — his sycophantic GOP supporters seem to be accidentally making things worse for him.

During a recent press conference, Trump’s newest press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, was questioned as to what exactly Obama did that was so appallingly illegal. Ultimately, the only answer that the press secretary could produce was the unmasking of Flynn by the Obama administration.

So, let’s dissect unmasking a bit, shall we?

As often happens when we’re dealing with foreign interference of some sort, intelligence agencies within the Obama administration closely monitored the Russians, including conversations had between Russians and Americans, as they were quite literally hacking our election.

Typically speaking, when American agencies monitor foreign spies, the identities of the American individual/s on the other side of the conversation are kept a secret, as a warrant is required to listen in on an American conversation.

However, from time to time, intelligence officials and law enforcement will ask that the American individual on the other side of the conversation be “unmasked” if it’s determined that the person is involved in illegal activity — basically meaning they want their identity released.

That’s what ultimately happened to Micheal Flynn.

Long story short, a person is only ever “unmasked” if they’re doing something significantly illegal.

So, when Fox News’ Sean Hannity announced last night that, according to Rep. Devin Nunes, the Obama administration may have unmasked members of the Trump family, it raised a whole hell of a lot more red flags than it did excuses for their “Obamagate” theory.

It seems they’re attempting to paint Obama and his administration as some sort of crooks for possibly unmasking members of the Trump crew. However, as we just noted above, unmasking isn’t a thing that happens unless you’ve done something so illegal that it pretty much has to be outed and dealt with.

So, the logic here says that if members of the Trump family were, in fact, unmasked by the Obama administration, it just means they were up to something so sketchy that intelligence officials couldn’t let it go undetected.

I don’t think Nunes realizes what he’s just done.

Featured image via screen capture 

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