Donald Trump Accused Of Violating His Bail After He Pulled This Unhinged Stunt At His Georgia Rally

He just keeps digging his own hole deeper and deeper.

592 points

Donald J. Trump is officially digging his own hole past the point of return…

Over the weekend, the scandal-plagued and felony-convicted former president held a campaign rally in the state of Georgia, where he spent almost all of his time launching one relentless attack after another against the state’s Republican governor and other local Georgia GOP officials, leading many experts and onlookers to credibly accuse Donald Trump of blatantly violating the conditions of his bail.

As we’re all aware by now, the disgraced former president has been formally indicted on several felony charges in the state of Georgia, by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, on crimes related to Donald’s alleged interference with the 2020 presidential election that he desperately attempted to overthrow, after he brutally lost to his Democratic opponent Joe Biden.

During his rally over the weekend, the ex-president specifically set his aim against the state’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp as well as Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — the very same Raffensperger who was on the receiving end of the infamous phone call, in which then-outgoing President Trump instructed the state official to “find” the 11,780 votes he needed to overthrow Joe Biden’s victory in the southern swing state.

Tom Joseph took to his X (formerly known as Twitter) account with a video clip of Trump’s rally attacks against the Georgia officials, writing, “Convicted felon Trump is breaking terms of his bail right now by attacking witnesses in his GA criminal trial, Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger. Trump is angry bc they wouldn’t help him overturn the election in 2020 and they won’t help him overturn it in 2024.”

Attorney Jeffrey Evan Gold commented on Joseph’s post, linking to a CNN article that outlines the terms of the former president’s bond agreement and noting, “Which seem to me anyway to be intimidation sufficient to qualify as the potential violation of his conditions of release in Georgia.”

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Other experts and Americans weighed in across social media with similar sentiments:

He may as well sign his own arrest warrant at this point.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
