Donald Trump Reportedly Ordered A US Official To Break The Law, Promised To Pardon Them After His Dirty Work Was Done

Why am I not even surprised?

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Former Trump-era Department of Homeland Security Chief of Staff Miles Taylor just recently published his newest tell-all book, Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump, and, as expected, it is chock full of revelations surrounding some of Donald Trump’s deepest, darkest secrets — including details of some of the ex-president’s most infamous and severe meltdowns, temper tantrums, and schemes.

Among those bombshell revelations was Taylor’s disturbing recollection of an incident in which Donald Trump openly demanded that a U.S. Customs and Border Patrol break the law for him, promising the official a pardon for their crimes after they had completed Donald’s dirty work.

This entire incident came down to Trump’s humiliating failure to make good on his biggest 2016 campaign promise — The Wall.

Publicly, Donald Trump threatened to close the US borders after he failed to secure funding through Congress to foot the bill for his wall that, according to his campaign promises, Mexico was supposed to be paying for. But according to Taylor, the then-president was making an even bigger scene behind closed doors, as he violently ordered his Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen to the US-Mexico border, and demanded that the proverbial gates of America be closed, as his officials desperately tried to explain that his orders and demands were against the law.

Taylor describes waiting at the US border for the then-president after Trump had finished screaming and barking his orders around. Donald arrived at the US southern border on April 5, 2019, where members of the press ignored the previously scheduled roundtable and began trying to figure out if the border was about to be closed by the President of the United States.

The former DHS official turned tell-all author recalls Donald Trump telling a border official, “We are full. Tell the judges we are completely full — ‘the bins are full’ — and we can’t let anyone else in.”

“Oh no,” Taylor describes his thoughts at the time. “He was back on it. The president was pressuring agents to seal the border.”

“Just say, ‘Sorry, Judge, I can’t do it. We don’t have the room,'” Trump allegedly told US border officials.

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“He was telling them to ignore federal judges and deport people anyway, even if they had a right to be in the United States. I strained to hear what the agents were saying to the president,” Miles writes. “A Customs and Border Protection leader tried explaining to him why that would be unlawful.”

Trump allegedly responded by saying, “Seriously, keep them all out. Don’t let any more in. If you go to jail for it, I’ll pardon you.”

“Trump offered a presidential pardon in exchange for an illegal act,” Taylor reveals as he describes turning to the CBP official to not only confirm what he heard from the president’s mouth, but further confirm that no US officials planned on following through with Trump’s illegal orders. That same CBP official ended up relaying the incident to Secretary Nielsen in their car, at which point Taylor says he suggested that they document what happened “to the department’s lawyers with a real-time summary and a question. Did the president just break the law?”

But apparently, Trump wasn’t quite done with his Homeland Security Secretary, giving Nielsen one more brutal dressing down before they went their separate ways. This particular incident was so severe that it led Nielsen to send a text message to Taylor, saying of Donald Trump, “This is far and away the most abusive relationship I’ve ever had or will ever have.”

Taylor revealed that he drafted his own resignation letter that very same day, as well as one for Kirstjen Nielsen.

Find Miles Taylor’s bombshell new book here.

Featured image via Flickr/Trump White House Archives 

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
