Donald Trump Was Asked About Being Banned From Twitter, Claimed He Has “Much More Time,” Doesn’t Have To Worry About Spelling Errors

What a ridiculous person.

624 points

Fox News’s Steve Hilton interviewed Donald Trump following the former president’s meandering and shameful speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). They touched on the former president’s ban on the behemoth social media site Twitter. As everyone knows, Twitter was Trump’s thing. It was his podium that he used to feed his massive but fragile ego constantly, but Trump tried to put a positive spin on his suspension, feigning that he now has more time on his hands, as if tweeting is some Herculean feat.

Trump told Hilton that he doesn’t have to worry about misplacing a comma or misspelling a word, and that used to make people “go wild.” The former president also said that his poll numbers “are high” now (?) and that, he said, is “very cool.” Very cool, you guys.


Twitter users weighed in:

It’s kind of sad that we had a president in office that routinely misspelled simple words and one that was obsessed with Twitter even while the United States was going through multiple national crises. And the former guy called himself a “stable genius” on more than one occasion. It’s almost as if Donald Trump a shameful serial liar or something.

Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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