‘Embarrassing And Humiliating’: Kim Guilfoyle Gave The Most Awkward Speech

Good grief.

567 points

DISCLAIMER: This article was first published on September 8, 2024

Kimberly Guilfoyle has made headlines for many reasons over the years, but her recent speech may go down as one of her most awkward moments yet. Speaking at a rally ahead of the 2024 elections, Guilfoyle’s fiery delivery was met with an almost silent crowd, creating an awkward atmosphere that couldn’t be ignored. Despite her attempt to rally the room, the lack of energy from the audience made it clear: this speech was cringeworthy and out of touch.

A Disconnect Between Speaker and Audience

Guilfoyle’s speech, filled with passionate calls for victory and the return of Donald Trump, should have been a moment to stir up excitement. But instead, it became painfully clear that the audience wasn’t into it. In a room where a roaring crowd would normally elevate the moment, the quiet response made the event feel flat. She pushed through her lines, but the silence between her pauses felt like dead air. At points, it almost seemed like she was trying to force energy into the room that just wasn’t there, making the delivery even more uncomfortable.

This wasn’t just a case of a flat speech—it was an outright miss in connecting with her audience, leaving many to question what went wrong.


A Pattern of Cringe-Worthy Moments

Unfortunately for Guilfoyle, this isn’t the first time she’s faced criticism for awkward moments in the spotlight. In the past, she’s had several cringey instances that left many shaking their heads. One notable incident occurred during her time at the Republican National Convention in 2020, where her famously over-the-top “The best is yet to come!” speech was widely mocked for its exaggerated theatrics and lack of substance.

More recently, she tried to take a jab at Minnesota Governor Tim Walz but failed spectacularly, getting trolled online for misinterpreting a light-hearted dog video. Guilfoyle’s attempt to troll Walz backfired, with many calling her out for spreading misinformation about something as innocent as a dog park photo, further solidifying her reputation for cringey, out-of-touch moments​.

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Controversy Follows Her

Beyond her embarrassing public moments, Guilfoyle has also faced serious allegations during her time at Fox News, where she was let go amid sexual harassment claims. Reports surfaced accusing her of inappropriate behavior towards her staff, including sharing explicit images and making lewd comments​. These revelations only added to the controversies surrounding her public persona, making her more divisive in political and media circles.

Additionally, her involvement in the January 6th Capitol riot continues to haunt her reputation. Text messages surfaced showing that she boasted about raising millions for the rally that eventually turned violent, further tarnishing her image​.

A Tarnished Legacy

Kimberly Guilfoyle’s speech might have been intended to rally Trump supporters ahead of the 2024 election, but instead, it became another example of her out-of-touch delivery. With her history of over-the-top moments and the controversies surrounding her, it seems that her efforts to connect with the crowd continue to miss the mark.

As the video of this most recent speech circulates online, it’s likely to join the list of cringey moments in her public career—another instance where her intentions to inspire were overshadowed by the awkward reality of the moment. Will she be able to bounce back from this? Or is Guilfoyle doomed to be remembered for her string of embarrassing public displays? Only time will tell.

For now, one thing is clear: this was not her finest hour.

Featured image via screengrab

Shay Maz

Shay Maz has been a political writer for many years. This is a pseudonym for writing; if you need to contact her - you may do so here: https://x.com/SheilaGouldman
