Ex-US Russia Advisor Revealed Putin Got “Frustrated Many Times” With Trump Because The Russian Dictator Constantly “Had To Keep Explaining Things” To The Then-President


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It’s no secret that Donald Trump loves to brag about how chummy he allegedly was (and is) with Russia’s dictatorial President Vladimir Putin. Especially since Putin’s violent, devastating invasion and attack against Ukraine, Trump has regularly and publicly declared that, had he been president, none of this would have happened, because he was on such good terms with the heinous dictator. (Not exactly something I would want to brag about, but I digress.)

But now, the former Trump administration’s US advisor to Russia is now speaking out and she claims that Putin’s decision to hold off on the invasion until Biden was in power had nothing to do with the dictator’s personal feelings about or relationship with Donald Trump. But rather, she claims, it was a result of Putin getting so frustrated with Donald Trump’s ignorant self that the dictator simply did not want to deal with Trump’s blatant ignorance while in the midst of a violent invasion of a sovereign nation.

Fiona Hill — who actually served as a key witness against the now ex-president during his first impeachment trials in the House over his infamous “perfect call” with Ukraine’s president — spoke at a Chicago Council on Global Affairs event this week, where she revealed that Vladimir Putin regularly got frustrated with the US president during Trump’s term in office, due to Donald’s resounding lack of knowledge on geopolitical issues. According to Hill, it was this factor that played a large role in Moscow’s timing decision with regard to their invasion of Ukraine.

Fiona explained that one of the main driving forces behind Putin’s decision to invade the sovereign nation on President Biden’s time came down to the fact that Putin fully expected Joe Biden to “sue for peace” and he ultimately felt that Biden would be far easier to deal with in negotiations than someone like Trump, with a resounding level of ignorance on global politics. Hill, who served as the top Russia advisor on the National Security Council under Trump, said that the Russian dictator would often find himself extremely frustrated with Donald Trump because the Russian leader had “to explain everything to [him] all the time.”

“He thought that somebody like Biden — who’s a transatlanticist, who knows all about NATO, who actually knows where Ukraine is, and actually knows something about the history, and is very steeped in international affairs — would be the right person to engage with,” the former Trump-era official explained.

“You could see that he got frustrated many times with President Trump because he had to keep explaining things, and Putin doesn’t like to do that,” Hill stated before going on to add, “Even though he loves to be able to spin his own version of events, he wants to have predictability in the person that he’s engaging with.”

This is far from the first time Donald Trump has been accused of a serious level of ignorance when it came to global politics and affairs. Numerous former officials have spoken out since Trump left office with similar accusations against the now-former president, with Trump’s former national security advisor John Bolton going so far as to claim that Donald Trump once had to ask if Finland was a part of Russia.

According to Hill’s recent book that was published last year, There Is Nothing for You Here: Finding Opportunity in the Twenty-First Century, Trump’s former White House chief of staff Gen. John Kelly also once said Trump “doesn’t know any history at all, even some of the basics on the US.

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In her tell-all, Hill said that Donald Trump’s resounding ignorance on all things having to do with international affairs actually served as a major liability” for US national security.”

“Whenever he got to meetings and the conversation started, it seemed like the first time he was hearing things from world leaders,” she wrote.

It seems Trump’s friendship with Vladimir Putin was all in his head. The dictator just couldn’t stand dealing with Donald Trump’s stupidity.

How embarrassing?

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
