Former Insider Claims Trump’s Emergency Visit To Walter Reed Last Year Had Nothing To Do With A Physical And Everything To Do With The “Good Stuff”

Mystery solved?

637 points

For those of you still wondering about why President Donald Trump abruptly visited Walter Reed hospital in November last year, it wasn’t for a routine physical.

Trump’s unplanned and unscheduled visit to Walter Reed immediately caused speculation that something was seriously wrong with Trump’s health. But the White House claimed that it was just a mere physical evaluation and nothing more.

Dr. Sean Conley, the physician who saw Trump, also claimed that all was well.

“Despite some of the speculation, the president has not had any chest pain, nor was he evaluated or treated for any urgent or acute issues,” Conley wrote. “Specifically, he did not undergo any specialized cardiac or neurological evaluations.”

Of course, no one really bought those explanations, and the incident remains a mystery.

However, it’s not a mystery to former Apprentice staffer Noel Casler, who put the pieces of the puzzle together to surmise that Trump’s unexpected trip to the hospital had to do with a visit to New York City which Trump had undertaken not long before. While there, Casler says that Trump likely secured drugs from his old dealer and that those drugs forced him to seek medical attention.

There are several accounts of Trump being addicted to Adderall and other substances, many of which have been detailed by Casler himself. Trump’s often strange behavior on camera during speeches and press briefings also can be attributed to Adderall usage, from his sweatiness to his dilated pupils and slurred speech.

Regardless of why Trump ended up in the hospital, the American people are owed the truth. Sadly, this administration is incapable of telling the truth.

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