Former Obama Staffers Released Notes They Left For Their Successors After WH Press Sec Claimed They Left “You Will Fail” Notes For Trump Aides

636 points

Unsurprisingly, it seems that Trump’s entire administration is built on nothing more than bullshit lies. The GOP falsehoods that have become a regularity in this day and age in America certainly aren’t limited to the liar-in-chief.

And it seems that Donald’s new press secretary, the replacement for Sarah Sanders who wouldn’t know the truth if it bit her on the eyeball, isn’t a damn bit better than the rest of them.

Stephanie Grisham, who got her start in the White House as a deputy to Sean Spicer, told CNN’s Abby Phillip for apparently no good reason at all, that during the transitional period in the White House between outgoing POTUS Barack Obama and incoming Donald Trump, Obama’s aides left behind some not so nice notes for their replacements — including some that read “you will fail.”

“We came into the White House, I’ll tell you something,” Grisham stated per Phillip. “Every office was filled with Obama books and we had notes left behind that said ‘you will fail,’ ‘you aren’t going to make it.”

However, we can pretty safely chalk that up as yet another crock of shit to come out of the Trump administration, considering former Obama aides have since been coming out in droves to dispute the ridiculous claims.

“This is another bald-faced lie,” former national security Susan Rice wrote on her Twitter account.

Jon Wolfsthal, a former senior director of the National Security Council weighed in saying, “This is an outrageous lie. I know. I handed over the nuclear office at the NSC. Shameless and disgusting.”

Several more just like those above chimed in to point out what a liar Stephanie Grisham truly is. But, the true end all be all to this fiasco came when throngs of former Obama staffers took to their social media accounts to post actual pictures of the letters they left behind to their replacements:

As we millennials say, Stephanie, “Pics or it didn’t happen.”

And there are pictures, alright. But they’re certainly not doing you any favors.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery

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