Former Republican Economist Says “Moron” Trump Is “Too Stupid” To Be President

Future dictionaries will have a picture of Trump as an example of stupidity, and incompetence, and ignorance, and...

569 points

Donald Trump often insists that he’s a “stable genius” who knows more than the experts about multiple issues. So, former Republican economist Bruce Bartlett, who served during the Reagan administration, sought to find out if Trump is intelligent.

“Is Trump too stupid to be president?” Bartlett asked on Twitter alongside a link to an op-ed he wrote answering the question.

The short answer, of course, is yes.

But Bartlett cited multiple polls showing that an increasing number of Americans admit that Trump is dumber than a box of rocks. He even cited former Trump officials who have admitted that their former boss has sh*t for brains.

And he laid out why that’s the case.

“To this day, Trump pays very little attention to his intelligence briefings,” Bartlett wrote. “He received repeated warnings about the coronavirus that he completely ignored—at great cost in terms of lives. Long after the seriousness of the pandemic became too serious for him to ignore and after many briefings on the subject, Trump continued to make ridiculous comments about unproven cures, including some that are simply nonsensical.”

Indeed, Trump promoted a dangerous drug as a treatment for the virus that has since been proven to not benefit patients. Trump also suggested injecting disinfectants into the body.

Of course, had Trump taken the pandemic seriously instead of calling it a “hoax,” this embarrassment could have been avoided. The real hoax, it turns out, is the idea that Trump is smart.

“From the earliest days of his administration, it has been obvious to everyone who has come in direct contact with him that Trump knows very, very little about any policy issue or even how the federal government operates,” Bartlett continued. “Among those most alarmed by Trump’s ignorance and incompetence were those in the military and intelligence community. After a National Security Council meeting on January 19, 2018, Defense Secretary James Mattis told aides that Trump had the understanding of ‘a fifth- or sixth-grader.’”

In addition, John Kelly, Rex Tillerson, and H.R. McMaster have all admitted that Trump is a moron. In Tillerson’s case, Trump is a “f*cking moron.”

Foreign diplomats and leaders have also been astounded by Trump’s ignorance.

And Trump’s utter stupidity even fulfills a prophecy.

“The polling results and unvarnished assessments of global diplomats suggest that the president is not merely ‘overwhelmed’ and that the idiot defense for his chronic incompetence and misconduct is more than a simply rhetorical tactic,” Bartlett concluded. “With the Trump presidency, H.L. Mencken’s 1920 prediction that one day the White House ‘will be adorned by a downright moron’ has now come true.”

It’s amazing that Trump can tie his own shoes in the morning. Oh, wait…he can’t do that either.

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