Former RNC Head To Trump Supporters: “You’re Stupid. You’re Being Played”

Trump played them for suckers.

570 points

There is a reason that New Yorkers loathe Donald J. Trump. When you live in the Big Apple,  you learn to spot a scam when you see it, and Trump is loathed in his home state for just that reason. New Yorkers know. But just as the president needs to be defeated at the polls, Trumpism needs to be vanquished. Former Republican National Committee head Michael Steele gave a wake-up call to Trump supporters Sunday morning on MSNBC, saying they are “stupid” for continuing to support the president. Steele was asked about the upcoming Republican National Convention, and the former RNC head didn’t hold back.

“Michael Steele, do you have any hope that that’s what we’re actually going to hear out of the Republican Convention?” host Capehart asked.

“Hell no! That ain’t happening. Come on?” Steele said. “Donald Trump is speaking every night. What do you think Donald Trump is going to say every night?”

“I’ve been a Republican for over 40 years, since 1976,” Steele continued to say. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to cede that ground to Donald Trump who is not now nor has he ever been a Republican. Who is not now nor ever been a conservative.”

Then, Steele tore into Trump supporters and told them that they are complicit in this nightmare.

“Y’all want to play this game that Donald Trump is like you? You’re stupid. You’re being played. You’re getting punked,” he said. “What’s so bad about it is you’re complicit in your own punking. And those who have said I’m not doing that because that’s not me, understand why: we refuse to collaborate.”


Oh, hell, yes, Trumpers have been played from the beginning. In 2019, a Trump supporter revealed something rather dark and said the quiet part out loud. “I voted for him [Trump], and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Patricia Mazzei said. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”

Trump is a raging malignant narcissist that enjoys inflicting pain. There is no cure for narcissism. We’re not sure why Patricia thought the president’s mental disorder wouldn’t harm Trump supporters, too. I wonder how Patricia feels now in 2020. Y’all have been played.

Featured image via screen capture. 

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