GOP Lawmaker Gives Savage Response To Trump’s Comeback Rally, Calls Him A “Loser President”


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Donald Trump held his first comeback rally in Ohio over the weekend as the first leg of his big “revenge tour” on the heels of losing the election and it seems that people aren’t exactly impressed. In fact, for one lawmaker from Trump’s very own party, it just served as proof that the ex-president is nothing more than a big, fat sore loser.

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois just recently responded to Trump’s less-than-impressive rally — that was chock full of the same stupid talking points he’s been harping on for half a decade now and more than a few unhinged rants about the Big Lie, as he continues to claim that he won an election he clearly lost — and ultimately referred to the former guy as a “loser president.”

On the heels of Trump’s event, Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who’s known for straddling the political fences lately, compared the rally to professional wrestling, calling it “entertaining, but it’s not real.”

Kinzinger, who was one of very few Republicans who voted to impeach Trump over his involvement in the January 6th Capitol riot, told CNN that he “hoped” Romney was right but, “There’s a lot of people… that really truly believe that Donald Trump was elected president again.”

“What you saw yesterday was a recycling of those old talking points,” he stated. “It was a rally of a loser president.”

“He’s the first president to lose reelection in decades. I don’t know why these folks would go there and in essence ogle at and in many cases just short of worship a loser, but they did,” Kinzinger added.

The GOP lawmaker went on to reference a big conspiracy theory within many people on the Right that Trump will somehow be “reinstated” to the White House later this summer: “There are enough people, frighteningly, that believe he’s going to be president in August.”

Kinzinger went on to call on his fellow GOPers to accept the true results of the election, saying it’s “high time” the party recognizes Joe Biden as the legitimate president of the United States.

You can read the full report here.

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