Jake Tapper Has An Epic Response To Mitch McConnell And Mike Johnson’s Outrage Over Harris Calling Trump A Fascist

This is gold.

609 points

House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are doing a bunch of handwringing after CNN’s Anderson Cooper asked Kamala Harris if she thinks Donald Trump is a fascist. She said “Yes I do. Yes I do.” So Anderson’s Jake Tapper knew exactly what to do and showed righteous indignation. And put it on blast.

“Jake Tapper taking the piss on Mitch McConnell and Mike Johnson upset Kamala Harris called Trump a fascist. “Let’s show an example of Harris doing exactly what McConnell and Johnson are taking issue with… I’m sorry control room, that was actually Donald Trump calling Kamala Harris a fascist.”

This is completely hilarious. Each time Tapper tries to bring up an example of Harris calling Trump a fascist, we instead see a clip of Trump calling Harris a Marxist, a Communist, and yes, a fascist.

And let me tell you, the whole thing is pretty effective.

He airs clips of Trump saying things like:

“She’s a Marxist, Communist, fascist, Socialist…” “We have a fascist person running…” you get the gist.

Then Tapper implores his production team:

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“Guys, I’m trying to show the clip of Donald Trump being called a fascist. That’s what Speaker Johnson and Leader McConnell are really worried about. You keep running different clips of Trump calling her a fascist. Please, humor me. Humor me.”

That’s when we hear a perfect clip of John Kelly, who also puts things in their proper perspective.

“He’s certainly an authoritarian, um, admires people who are dictators–he has said that…so he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.”

Tapper pleads to his team once again, but we hear, once again, that Trump is a fascist, this time courtesy of Mark Milley former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Finally, at the very end of the clip, we see Cooper asking Harris the question that has McConnell and Johnson all riled up.

Obviously, Tapper and his team did this to show that Trump is the actual fascist. The whole thing was obviously tongue-in-cheek but this is apparently lost on these two.

Social media users picked up on the fact that Trump doesn’t know the difference between a Socialist or a Marxist, a Communist, or a fascist.

@MyWorldagain1 quipped:

“Yeah, but everyone knows Kamala isn’t a Fascist & Trump just projects everything he really is. I’m not sure Trump even knows what any of those terms mean because he throws Communist, Marxists, & Socialist around like his other childish name calling”

@BullzGuy added:

“The double standard is the order of the day for the GOP—spineless and cowardly men who lack honour and will seal their lips to cling to power. Long after DJT is gone these leaders will be known for their cowardice & the real cost of their silence to this American experiment.”

@1985ds stated the obvious:

“And she didn’t even say it, she just agreed to someone else calling him one.”

Indeed, Harris was merely agreeing with Cooper, but McConnell and Johnson lost their minds on paper, issuing a joint statement, according to The Hill.

“This summer, after the first attempted assassination of a presidential candidate in more than a century, President Biden insisted that ‘we can’t allow this violence to be normalized.’ In September, after President Trump escaped yet another close call, Vice President Harris acknowledged that ‘we all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more violence,’” per their statement.

“These words have proven hollow. In the weeks since that second sobering reminder, the Democratic nominee for President of the United States has only fanned the flames beneath a boiling cauldron of political animus. Her most recent and most reckless invocations of the darkest evil of the 20th century seem to dare it to boil over,” they continued.

Are Johnson and McConnell really this batty? All this because she agreed with Cooper. Trump has used these words on Harris countless times. Harris agrees with someone and they go nuts? I’m glad McConnell will be gone soon. He needs something else to occupy his time more usefully.

I have no explanation for Johnson. He’s such a fanatical Trump supporter that he missed a key House session to show up at the courtroom where Donald Trump’s criminal hush money trial took place.

I’m beginning to think the world has really gone nuts.

Here’s the full clip below. And it’s pretty durned funny if I do say so myself.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.

Megan Hamilton
Megan Colleen Hamilton was born and raised on progressive politics and she has long fought for liberal causes. She has lived in the Pacific Northwest, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, parts of Mexico, and now Central America. Her travels have further informed her progressive beliefs in these troubled times. She is currently owned by 11 cats, two dogs, and one naughty rabbit. She actually is one of those “childless cat ladies.”
