Jared Kushner Spilled The Tea, Revealed Donald Trump Asked Daughter Ivanka To Get Him A Meeting With Hilary Clinton After The 2016 Election

I bet he did.

632 points

Donald Trump’s son-in-law and husband to his eldest daughter Ivanka, Jared Kushner, has a new tell-all memoir that’s set to soon hit the shelves across the country, and in the pages, it seems he’s spilling some beans that his wife’s dear daddy may not care for.

Several revelations have already come from excerpts of Kushner’s forthcoming tell-all, Breaking History, including his claim that he was secretly treated for thyroid cancer during his time in his father-in-law’s White House, and his revelation that one of Donald Trump’s chiefs of staff regularly listened in on the then-president’s phone calls, leaving Donald positively fuming when he found out about it.

Now the newest revelation centers around the relationship between Donald Trump and his 2016 Democratic presidential opponent, Hilary Clinton, according to a new excerpt of Breaking History that was obtained and reported on by The Hill. 

In the book’s excerpt, Jared writes that in the aftermath of the 2016 election, Donald Trump asked his daughter Ivanka to work out a meeting between himself and Hilary Clinton, who won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College count against Trump in 2016. Kushner claims that Trump wanted to establish a “cordial relationship with Hillary to unite the country” and show that he “had no intention of looking backward.”

According to Jared, his father-in-law ultimately tasked his wife Ivanka with reaching out to Hilary’s daughter, Chelsea Clinton, who Ivanka used to be close friends with, in an effort to arrange a meeting between her dad, Donald Trump, and Chelsea’s parents, Bill and Hilary Clinton. Per The Hill’s reporting on the excerpt, Trump “told Ivanka to invite Hillary and Bill for dinner in the coming weeks.”

“Ivanka did call Chelsea,” Kushner reveals in the tell-all memoir, “but days later Hillary backed Jill Stein’s challenge to the election, and Trump ended his outreach.”

Of course, all of this alleged behind-the-scenes action stands in direct contradiction to Donald Trump’s public behavior, in which he regularly (and still to this day) painted his 2016 opponent as a cold, hard criminal and constantly encouraged his fans and supporters through chants of “Lock her up!”

Kushner’s memoir covering his time as a senior aide inside the Trump White House is set for release this upcoming Tuesday.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
